Center for Curriculum Materials in Science

AAAS Project 2061, Michigan State University, Northwestern University, University of Michigan

Papers & Articles, 2005

Anderson, C. W. & Mohan, L. (Draft, 2005). Environmental literacy working paper 6: A research-based learning progression for the carbon cycle. Unpublished manuscript, Michigan State University.

Davis, E. A. (in press). Preservice elementary teachers' critique of instructional materials for science. Science Education.

Davis, E. A., & Krajcik, J. S. (2005). Designing educative curriculum materials to promote teacher learning. Educational Researcher, 34(3), 3-14.

Davis, E. A., & Petish, D. (in press). Real-world and instructional representations among prospective elementary science teachers. Journal of Science Teacher Education.

Duncan, R. G. (2005). Reasoning in molecular genetics: From a cognitive model to instructional design. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Fortus, D. (2005). Design-based science. Review of Science Education, 4(2), 40.

Fortus, D., Dershimer, R. C., Krajcik, J., Marx, R. W., & Mamlok-Naaman, R. (in press). Design-based science (DBS) and real-world problem-solving. International Journal of Science Education.

Fortus, D., Krajcik, J., & Marx, R. W. Design-based science and the transfer of science knowledge and real-world problem-solving skills. The Journal of the Learning Sciences. Manuscript in preparation.

Fortus, D., Nordine, J., Plummer, J., Rogat, A., & Switzer, A. How do you teach energy without defining it? ScienceScope. Manuscript in preparation.

Gunckel, K. L. The nature of science as portrayed in curriculum materials and possible implications for achieving scientific literacy. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Manuscript in preparation.

Hug, B., Krajcik, J. S., & Marx, R. W. (2005). Using innovative learning technologies to promote learning and engagement in an urban science classroom. Urban Education, 40, 446-472.

Krajcik, J. S., & Mamlok-Naaman, R. (in press). Using driving questions to motivate and sustain student interest in learning science. In Tobin, K. (Ed.), Teaching and Learning Science: An Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Kyza, E. (2005). Understanding reflection-in-action: An investigation into middle-school students' reflective inquiry practices in science and the role that software scaffolding can play. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Kyza, E., & Edelson, D. C. (in press). Scaffolding middle-school students' coordination of theory and evidence. Educational Research and Evaluation.

Lockhart, J. (2005). Environmental literacy working paper 5: Diversity and evolution. Unpublished manuscript, Michigan State University.

Mamlok-Naaman, R., Fortus, D., Dershimer, R. C., Krajcik, J., & Marx, R. W. (in press). How do I design a cellular phone that is safer to use? Development and implementation of an innovative curriculum-an international perspective. In P. Nentwig & D. Waddington (Eds.), Setting into perspective: Context-based science education. Munster, UK: Waxmann.

McNeill, K. L., & Krajcik, J. S. (in press). Middle school students' use of appropriate and inappropriate evidence in writing scientific explanations. In M. Lovett & P. Shah (Eds.), Thinking with data: The proceedings of the 33rd Carnegie Symposium on Cognition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

McNeill, K. L., & Krajcik, J. (accepted). Teacher instructional practices to support students writing scientific explanations. In Luft, J., Gess-Newsome, J., & Bell, R. (Eds.), Science as inquiry in the secondary setting. Washington, DC: National Science Foundation.

McNeill, K. L., Lizotte, D. J., Krajcik, J., & Marx, R. W. (in press). Supporting students' construction of scientific explanations by fading scaffolds in instructional materials. The Journal of the Learning Sciences.

Richmond, G., & Schwarz, C. Supporting the development of reform-based science teaching in urban contexts through work in professional inquiry communities. School Science and Mathematics. Manuscript in preparation.

Salierno, C., Edelson, D. C., & Sherin, B. (in press). The development of student conceptions of the earth-sun relationship in an inquiry-based curriculum. Journal of Geoscience Education.

Schneider, R., Krajcik, J., & Blumenfield, P. (2005). Enacting reform-based science materials: The range of teacher enactments in reform classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42(3), 283-312.

Schwarz, C., Meyer, J., & Sharma, A. (in press). Technology, pedagogy, and epistemology: Opportunities and challenges of using computer modeling and simulation tools in elementary science methods. Journal of Science Teacher Education.

Schwarz, C., & White, B. (2005). Meta-modeling knowledge: Developing students' understanding of scientific modeling. Cognition and Instruction, 23(2), p. 165-205.

Schwarz, J. (2005). Describing content in middle school science curricula. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Sherin, B., Krakowski, M., Lee, V. R., & Bang, M. (in press). The dynamics of coherence in a clinical interview about the seasons. In S. Vosniadou, X. Vamvakoussi, & C. Stathopoulou (Eds.), Advances in conceptual change research and the role of epistemological beliefs. Athens, Greece.

Smith, B. K., & Reiser, B. J. (2005). Explaining behavior through observational investigation and theory articulation. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 14, 315-360.

Sutherland, L. M., McNeill, K. L., Krajcik, J. S., & Colson, K. (in press). Supporting students in creating scientific explanations. In Linking science and literacy in the K-8 classroom. Washington, DC: NSTA Press.

Tsurusaki, B. K. (2005). Environmental literacy working paper 4: Connecting personal and social actions to environmental systems. Unpublished manuscript, Michigan State University.

Text: AAAS Project 2061, Michigan State University, Northwestern University, University of Michigan
Text: Center for Curriculum Materials in Science