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Middle Grades Science Textbooks: A Benchmarks-Based Evaluation

SciencePlus: Technology and Society. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1997
Earth Science Life Science Physical Science

About this Evaluation Report
Content Analysis
Instructional Analysis
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material's content aligns with the specific key ideas that have been selected for use in the analysis.
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material develops an evidence-based argument for the key ideas, including whether the case presented is valid, comprehensible, and convincing.
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material makes connections (1) among the key ideas, (2) between the key ideas and their prerequisites, and (3) between the key ideas and other, related ideas.
[Explanation] This section notes whether the curriculum material presents any information that is more advanced than the set of key ideas, looking particularly at whether the “beyond literacy” information interrupts the presentation of the grade-appropriate information.
[Explanation] This section notes whether the curriculum material presents any information that contains errors, misleading statements, or statements that may reinforce commonly held student misconceptions.


Idea a: Food (for example, sugars) provides molecules that serve as fuel and building material for all organisms.
There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea a shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) in SciencePlus: Food (for example, sugars) provides molecules that serve as fuel and building material for all organisms.

Food is presented as an energy source only, not as a source of building material. In grade six, at the beginning of Unit 6: Energy and You, students are asked to think about the scientific meaning of energy. A line of questioning is provided in the Annotated Teacher's Edition:

Where does your energy come from? (From the food you eat) Where does the energy in food come from? (The sun) What happens to the energy in food after your body burns it? (It is changed into the energy of motion and body heat, and it is used to build and repair body cells.) [Level Green, p. 314t]

This question-and-answer sequence conveys the idea that food serves as fuel; however, the quality of students' answers is not guaranteed. Next, students are asked to construct a concept map that includes such words as "food," "energy," and "you" (p. 318s). To illustrate energy transformations, the text states that the chemical energy in food enables humans to run or walk (p. 324s).

The idea that organisms get their energy from burning food is stated in grade seven, before the different roles of organisms in the food web are discussed. Plants are classified as producers because "they make food energy"; other organisms are consumers because "they obtain energy by consuming food they did not produce" (Level Red, pp. 28-29s).

In grade eight, before introducing the process of respiration, the text asserts that peanuts (and other foods) contain energy (Level Blue, p. 57s). A series of photographs show grapes, a plate of food, and a running girl, connected by arrows. The caption for the plate of food reads "Energy stored as food" and the one for the running girl reads, "Energy released and used to activate muscles." Students are to write a few sentences about the series of photographs. The sample answer in the Annotated Teacher's Edition states: "Plants use and store the sun's energy as they make food. When people eat this food, directly or in the form of meat, the energy is released and used by the body" (p. 57t).

Idea b: Plants make their own food, whereas animals obtain food by eating other organisms.

There is a content match, mostly in statements and definitions. In grade seven, at the beginning of Unit 1: Interactions (Level Red, pp. 1-71), students are to list what they had for dinner the night before, and the teacher is told to help them see that all of the energy in the foods they eat originates from the sun (p. 28t). The text states that animals get their food by eating plants or other animals, but plants make their own food by photosynthesis (p. 28s). In grade eight, students construct food chains and are asked how plants (as opposed to other organisms) obtain food. The text then presents them with the following statement: "Without plants, there would be no food." It then explains that all foods are derived from plants. Next, students test leaves for starch, are told that starch is essential to all living things, and consider the statement that, "All meat is ultimately grass" (p. 9s). This idea is asserted later in the text, in a summary of the process of photosynthesis (p. 14s). After completing a section about respiration, students are asked to list the differences between plant and animal processes. Part of the answer given in the Annotated Teacher's Edition reads as follows: "The processes of photosynthesis and transpiration are the only processes discussed so far in this unit that plants perform but that animals do not" (p. 63t).

Idea c: Matter is transformed in living systems.

Idea c1: Plants make sugars from carbon dioxide (in the air) and water.

There is a content match. The idea is asserted first in grade seven in the explanation of how energy moves through a community (Level Red, p. 28s), and then again in the unit on growing plants (Level Red, p. 522s); later, in grade eight, it is given substantial treatment in the context of life processes (Level Blue, pp. 1-75). Unit 1: Life Processes  is framed by the question, "How do plants get food?" (p. 6s). Students read about van Helmont's experiment, and the Annotated Teacher's Edition suggests that students repeat it "using some fast-growing plants, such as bean or corn plants" (pp. 11-12s, 12t). Although students may be encourages by these activities to think about matter transformation during photosynthesis, they are asked only to write down the masses of the Earth and the tree, decide whether van Helmont was a careful experimenter, and determine what was wrong with his conclusion. Next, they get to test leaves for starch and learn to notice starch only on the leaves grown in the presence of carbon dioxide. They are led to conclude that carbon dioxide is necessary for green plants to make starch (p. 14s). Finally, they compare the photosynthesis process to processes that occur in factories, and they read in the text that leaves can be thought of as "food factories" (p. 16s). Then they are asked to identify the important products of, and the two raw materials required for, photosynthesis. They also have to write a description of photosynthesis and complete its word equation (p. 16s).

Idea c2: Plants break down the sugars they have synthesized back into simpler substances—carbon dioxide and water—and assemble sugars into the plants' body structures, including some energy stores.
There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea c2 shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) in SciencePlus: Plants break down the sugars they have synthesized back into simpler substances-carbon dioxide and water-and assemble sugars into the plants' body structures, including some energy stores.

In grade seven, Unit 8: Growing Plants explains that plant cells carry out respiration and that carbon dioxide is released during the process:

Many people are surprised when they learn that plants carry out respiration. The process of respiration that occurs in plant cells is similar to respiration that occurs in our own cells; it involves taking in oxygen that is then used to release energy from stored food. Carbon dioxide is released during respiration. [Level Red, p. 522s]

In grade eight, after students conduct a few experiments that involve testing leaves for starch, they are told that food is made in leaves in the form of simple sugars that join in a specific way later to form the more complex starch particle (Level Blue, p. 16s). At the end of Unit 1: Life Processes, after a section that deals with respiration in humans (pp. 58-63s), the text states that plants also respire, and students observe respiration in germinating seeds (pp. 62-63s). However, this activity focuses on gas exchange, not on the breakdown of sugars or the transformation of matter.

Idea c3: Other organisms break down the stored sugars or the body structures of the plants they eat (or in the animals they eat) into simpler substances and reassemble them into their own body structures, including some energy stores.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea c3 shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary is used (in brackets) in SciencePlus: Other organisms break down [digested food] the stored sugars or the body structures of the plants they eat (or in the animals they eat) into simpler substances and reassemble them into their own body structures, including some energy stores.

SciencePlus ignores the incorporation of food materials into organisms' body structures. However, it does provide content (in grade eight) that matches the idea that foods are broken down into simpler substances. First, students are told that, to be used by human bodies, food must be broken down. The text states that, "It's not just a matter of breaking down the food into tiny pieces.. It must also be broken down chemically into simpler water-soluble compounds" (Level Blue, p. 55s). Then, students are to chew a cracker and taste that it becomes sweeter as the starch is broken down into sugar (p. 55s). Next, as an introduction to a lesson on respiration, students exhale on the palms of their hands and feel the moisture. They are told that in the lesson, they will learn where the water vapor comes from (p. 57s). Later in this lesson, they are told that the process of respiration "produces wastes" and they conduct experiments that identify the products of respiration in their breath (p. 61s). Only at the end of the lesson, when they define respiration and complete its word equation (p. 62s), is their attention drawn to the idea that carbon dioxide and water are not "produced during respiration" but result from the breakdown of digested foods.

Idea c4: Decomposers transform dead organisms into simpler substances, which other organisms can reuse.

There is a content match. In grade six, in the context of exploring the diversity of microorganisms in Unit 6: It's a Small World (Level Green, pp. 128-197), the text states that "soil break down dead plant and animal matter and return substances to the soil for plants to reuse" and that "important gases (like carbon dioxide, which is needed by plants) are released into the air" (p. 153s). On the same page, students are introduced to fungi. The text asserts that fungi "play an important role as decomposers of dead material" and that "[w]ithout fungi, the world might soon become crowded with dead matter." In grade seven, Unit 1: Interactions, (Level Red, pp. 1-71), the text describes the roles of organisms in the community and states that decomposers break "down plant and animal bodies into substances that enrich the soil, which then supports the growth of new plants" (p. 30s). The text gives examples of decomposers (mushrooms growing on tree stumps, mold on tomatoes, and bacteria), shows a photograph of a compost pile, and states that, in the compost pile, "bacteria feed on the dead material and make it usable by plants" (p. 31s). The Annotated Teacher's Edition instructs the teacher to help students "realize how important decomposers are to the environment" (p. 30t). Later in the chapter, the text points out that decomposers use compost for food, breaking it down so that other organisms can use it for food. The text continues: "When the remains of living things are used in this way to help new life develop, the materials are being recycled" (emphasis in original) (p. 52s).

Idea d: Energy is transformed in living systems.

Idea d1: Plants use the energy from light to make "energy-rich" sugars.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea d1 shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) in SciencePlus: Plants use the energy from light to make "energy-rich" sugars.

SciencePlus presents the idea that light energy is necessary for the process of photosynthesis to occur, but not the idea that some of the light energy is stored in the sugars. In grade six, following an explanation of the concept of energy transformation in Unit 6: Energy and You students have to answer some "Problems to Ponder" (Level Green, p. 325s). One problem asks them to consider a tree as an energy converter and to list its energy inputs and outputs. However, since the information has not been presented, students' responses may not include this key idea. In grade seven, Unit 1: Interactions students are asked to think about how energy moves through a community of living things and how plants get their energy. The text mentions that "the process of photosynthesis also requires energy" and that "[g]reen plants use energy from sunlight to manufacture their food" (Level Red, p. 28s). In grade eight, students get to test for starch leaves grown in the dark and in the light and are led to conclude that light is necessary for starch to be produced (Level Blue, p. 14s). In summarizing photosynthesis, the text states that "[p]lants actually make their own food in their leaves. To do this, they need energy from the sun plus two raw materials: water and carbon dioxide" (p. 14s). Then students are asked to identify the source of energy for photosynthesis and are given the word equation is given (p. 16s). Later in the chapter, students are told that chlorophyll absorbs sunlight energy and puts this energy to work, "chemically combining carbon dioxide and water to form sugars" (p. 24s). None of these statements mention that some of the light energy is transformed and stored in the sugars, and students might infer that light energy is required to carry out the photosynthesis reaction only.

Idea d2: Plants get energy by breaking down the sugars, releasing some of the energy as heat.

There is a content match. In grade seven, the text mentions briefly that plant cells carry out respiration that involves the release of energy from stored food (Level Red, p. 522s). In grade eight, after discussing respiration in humans, the text states that plants also respire (Level Blue, p. 62s). Next, students read that "animals produce heat as a result of respiration" and they are asked to plan an experiment to study whether plants also produce heat when they respire (p. 64st). However, no mention is made of where this heat comes from.

Idea d3: Other organisms get energy to grow and function by breaking down the consumed body structures to sugars and then breaking down the sugars, releasing some of the energy into the environment as heat.

There is a content match. However, the idea is presented in the contexts of humans and microorganisms only. In grade six at the beginning of Unit 6: Energy and You (Level Green, pp. 313-387), the Annotated Teacher's Edition provides a sequence of questions (and suggested answers): "Where does your energy come from? (From the food you eat).. What happens to the energy in food after your body burns it? (It is changed into the energy of motion and body heat, and it is used to build and repair body cells)" (p. 314t). Later in the chapter, the text explains:
Energy makes things happen only when it is converted from one form to another. For example, chemical energy in the food you eat enables you to run or walk. You are an energy converter. As you move, the chemical energy in the food is changed into the energy of motion. Are there any other types of energy produced? (Other types of energy produced when you move are heat and sound energy.) [p. 324st]

The text also deals with heat production in compost piles. In grade six, in Unit 3: It's a Small World (Level Green, pp. 128-197), the text describes compost piles and states that "[h]eat is produced as the material decays" (p. 153s). Students are then to make compost piles, observe the changes over several weeks, and explain the increases in temperature.

This idea is treated again, but more substantially, in grade eight, in the context of digestion and cellular respiration. The text states that for the energy in food to be used by human bodies, the food must be broken down into simpler substances (Level Blue, p. 55s). Students then are asked to examine photographs of grapes, a plate of food, and a running girl, connected by arrows (p. 57s). The caption for the plate of food says, "Energy stored as food," and the one for the running girl says, "Energy released and used to activate muscles." Students are to write a few sentences about the photographs. The sample answer given in the Annotated Teacher's Edition states: "Plants use and store the sun's energy as they make food. When people eat this food, directly or in the form of meat, the energy is released and used by the body." Students are asked to compare the release of energy from food to the release of energy in gasoline or candle wax; they are expected to respond that all cases involve "burning" and require oxygen and that the burning that occurs in cells is the slowest (p. 57t). Later, students are asked what the fact that they get hot when they exercise suggests about the relationship between respiration and burning (both give off heat) (p. 60s), and the text presents the word equation for respiration (p. 62s).

Idea e: Matter and energy are transferred from one organism to another repeatedly and between organisms and their physical environment.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea e shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) in SciencePlus: Matter and energy [is] are transferred from one organism to another repeatedly and between organisms and their physical environment.

In grade seven, in the context of food chains and webs, the text describes how energy moves through a community and asks students to make an energy diagram that contains the items identified as "producer," "sunlight," "carnivore," and "herbivore" (Level Red, p. 30s). Teachers are told to ask students to identify where they get their energy, the organisms that it comes from, where various organisms get their energy (from the food they eat), and also to "[h]elp students recognize that the energy they receive from food has already passed through several other organisms before it reaches them" (p. 32t). No attention is given to the cycling of matter between organisms and their physical environment.

Building a Case

SciencePlus does not attempt to build a case for the key life science ideas, but it does attempt to provide evidence to support the idea that plants make starch from carbon dioxide and water. Explorations in grade eight try to demonstrate that while plants make starch in the presence of light (Level Blue, pp. 8-9s), they do not do so in the dark (p. 10s), and that giving plants extra carbon dioxide results in the production of more starch (p. 14s).

However, in several instances, students are expected to reach conclusions that are not justified by their observations. For example, in Exploration 1: The Search for Starch (Level Blue, pp. 7-9st), eighth-grade students get to observe that iodine turns blue-black in the presence of cornstarch and are expected to conclude, therefore, that plants have made starch when they observe the blue-black color change in leaves grown in the light versus leaves grown in the dark. Strictly speaking, however, this conclusion is not valid because students are not told that iodine turns blue-black in the presence of starch only and not in the presence of any other substance. (As far as students know, iodine might turn blue-black in the presence of other substances too, so that it could not be concluded definitely from the presence of a blue-black color that starch is present, rather than something else.) The text also describes van Helmont's experiment and his mistaken conclusion: "Therefore almost seventy-four kilograms of wood, bark, and roots arose out of water only" (p. 11s). While students are led to decide that van Helmont "made a major mistake when he concluded that water alone was completely responsible for the increase in mass in plants" (p. 12s), in fact, all he could conclude reasonably was that soil does not account for the increase in mass, not what does account for it.


The set of key life science ideas that serves as the basis for this analysis tells a story of matter and energy transfer and transformation that spans several levels of biological organization-ecosystems, organisms, cells, and possibly molecules. Links between life science and physical science are particularly important; one such link is that which links the transformation of matter and energy in physical systems (where it may be easier to keep track of the inputs and outputs of matter and energy).

SciencePlus is an integrated program in that it distributes Earth, life, and physical sciences over the three grades (rather than including the content of a single discipline in a particular grade). Each unit focuses on one discipline but includes content from other science disciplines that "supports the major content focus of each unit and helps achieve integration" (p. T20). What are the implications of this organization for coherence in the  presentation of Ideas a-e?  While SciencePlus treats all of the key life sciences ideas, in most cases, it focuses on the flow of energy, rather than on matter cycling between organisms. For example, food is discussed as an energy source only, and the incorporation of building materials from food into organisms' body structures is ignored. Emphasizing energy over matter may make sense in elementary school, where the ideas to be learned are cast in terms of "needs of organisms" (e.g., see Benchmarks for Science Literacy [American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993], benchmarks 5EK-2#1 and 5E3-5#2). However, in the middle grades, where the ideas emphasize transfer and transformation, energy is much more abstract. It may be difficult to convey energy transfer and transformation without prior attention to matter transfer and transformation.

Four units in SciencePlus treat different aspects of the key ideas, and the program could benefit from cross-referring students (or teachers) to previous relevant experiences. Several opportunities for making meaningful links are missed, as discussed below:

  • In grade six, students are introduced to decomposing organisms, and they are to make and observe composts over several weeks (Level Green, pp. 154-155s). In grade seven, decomposers are discussed in the context of food webs and their role in the environment (Level Red, pp. 30-31s). It is stated that decomposers break down dead organisms into simpler substances, but these substances are not named.  When cellular respiration is explained in grade eight (Level Blue, pp. 61-65s), the material ignores the opportunity to explain that respiration carried out by decomposers is what transforms dead organisms into simple reusable substances and produces the heat that students will have observed in their compost piles.

  • In grade seven, students are to grow plants without soil and discuss the role of soil for plants. A key question is: "Do plants need soil?" (Level Red, pp. 526-527s). In the eighth-grade discussion of the process of photosynthesis, van Helmont's famous experiment is described to help students see that plants to do not get their food from the soil (Level Blue, pp. 11-12s). Given the difficulty that students have in appreciating the idea that most of the mass of plants comes from carbon dioxide in the air (see Schneps & Sadler, 1988), it could have been beneficial to remind students about their experiences with hydroponics in grade seven (Level Red, pp. 526-527s) and to ask them to explain these experiences based on what they know about photosynthesis.

  • In grade six, Unit 6: Energy and You explains the idea that energy cannot be created or destroyed and presents organisms as "energy converters" (Level Green, p. 324s). Unfortunately, subsequent units in SciencePlus ignore the concept of energy transformations. For example, an explanation of photosynthesis given in grade eight, emphasizes that light energy is needed for photosynthesis to take place, but not that some of this energy is stored in the sugars (Level Blue, p. 10s). Elsewhere, students read that animals and plants "produce heat" when they respire, but no attempt is made to explain where this heat energy comes from (Level Blue, p. 64s).

Although Earth, life, and physical science units are distributed throughout the three SciencePlus textbooks, no attempt is made to alert teachers or to remind students about relevant experiences from other disciplines when they might be helpful to understanding the key life science ideas. In grade six, for example, students are to investigate burning and corrosion while learning about chemical changes and mass conservation (Level Green, pp. 296-300s). But when studying cell respiration in grade eight, neither students nor teachers are reminded about these experiences. Rather, the text merely mentions that burning and cell respiration give off the same waste products (Level Blue, p. 62s). Similarly, even though students have had experiences with energy transformation in physical systems (Level Green, pp. 319-322s) and a comparison is made of the energy inputs and outputs when wood is burned in a stove versus when food is converted to kinetic energy in a lion (p. 324s), no connection is made later in the eighth-grade unit on photosynthesis and respiration (which also involve energy transformations).

Beyond Literacy

SciencePlus does a commendable job of restricting its presentation of content on this topic to ideas needed for science literacy, such as those in Benchmarks for Science Literacy (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993) and National Science Education Standards (National Research Council, 1996). This textbook consistently excludes topics that go beyond these documents' recommended level of sophistication for eighth-grade students and avoids terms that are not needed to communicate about the key ideas.


The evaluation teams developed a summary assessment of the most common kinds of errors found in each of the three subject areas-physical science, Earth science, and life science. In this context, "errors" is taken to mean not only outright inaccuracies, but also those instances in which the material is very likely to lead to or support student misconceptions. Overall, inducement to misconstrue is the most serious problem of accuracy in the evaluated materials.

The teams' collective findings, presented below, should be taken as having general applicability to all of the evaluated materials, not complete and specific applicability in toto to any one of them.

Identified errors occur most frequently in drawings and other diagrams. They take the form of representations that are likely to either give rise to or reinforce misconceptions commonly held by students. Following are life science examples of the kinds of misleading illustrative materials of most concern to the evaluation teams:

  • Diagrams of energy pyramids that indicate decreases in energy (without indicating that the energy is given off as heat) can reinforce students' misconception that energy is not conserved.

  • Diagrams and explanations that show the reciprocal nature of respiration and photosynthesis can reinforce the misconception that only animals respire-and that plants do not. Furthermore, emphasizing the notion that these processes are reciprocal or balance one another fails to convey that the rate of photosynthesis is far more than that of respiration. Consequently, plants produce enough food (and oxygen) during photosynthesis both for their own needs and for the needs of other organisms.

  • Diagrams of nutrient cycles in biological systems, such as the carbon-oxygen cycle or the nitrogen cycle, often misrepresent the transformation of matter-showing, for example, atoms of carbon in one form but not in others. By failing to show a particular element throughout the cycle, a text can reinforce the misconception that matter can disappear in one place and reappear in another, as opposed to simply changing forms.

The use of imprecise or inaccurate language is problematic in text and teacher materials, not solely in illustrations. In life science, one significant problem is that imprecise language in explanations of energy transformations can reinforce students' common misconception that matter and energy can be interconverted in everyday chemical reactions. For example, presenting the overall equation for cellular respiration in which energy appears as a product without indicating where the energy was at the start can lead students to conclude that matter is converted to energy. Similarly, presenting the overall equation for photosynthesis in which energy appears only as a reactant can lead them to conclude that energy has been converted into matter.