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Middle Grades Science Textbooks: A Benchmarks-Based Evaluation

PRIME Science. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1998
Earth Science Life Science Physical Science

About this Evaluation Report
Content Analysis
Instructional Analysis
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material's content aligns with the specific key ideas that have been selected for use in the analysis.
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material develops an evidence-based argument in support of the key ideas, including whether the case presented is valid, comprehensible, and convincing.
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material makes connections (1) among the key ideas, (2) between the key ideas and their prerequisites, and (3) between the key ideas and other, related ideas.
[Explanation] This section notes whether the curriculum material presents any information that is more advanced than the set of key ideas, looking particularly at whether the “beyond literacy” information interrupts the presentation of the grade-appropriate information.
[Explanation] This section notes whether the curriculum material presents any information that contains errors, misleading statements, or statements that may reinforce commonly held student misconceptions.


Idea a: All matter is made up of particles called atoms and molecules (as opposed to being continuous or just including particles).
There is a content match. The idea that “All matter is made up of tiny particles” is listed as a key point in the material (level C, Chapter 3: Gulp!, p. 146t) and is presented explicitly in a few locations in the student material and some additional locations in the Teacher’s Guide. It is introduced first in level B, Chapter 9: Wear and Tear. After students see that fabrics are collections of threads and threads are collections of fibers, they wonder what fibers are made of. The student text notes that, “Like all substances, fibers are made of tiny particles” (Chapter 9: Wear and Tear, p. 194s). The idea that matter is composed of particles is next introduced in level C, in the context of students learning about using chlorine gas to kill bacteria in water. The fact that chlorine can be smelled above a swimming pool is used to suggest that some of the chlorine escapes from the water: “Anticipating later lessons in this chapter, this can be discussed in terms of particles of chlorine (too small to see) being spread through the water and escaping into the air” (level C, Chapter 3: Gulp!, p. 124t). In the activity that follows, students evaporate tap water and discover a solid residue. The Teacher’s Guide suggests the following explanation: “[T]he solid residue must have come from the water, which had tiny particles of the dissolved substance spread out through it” (p. 130t). In a subsequent activity, students look at tea bags under a microscope and at the process of making tea. They see the color of tea spreading out in the water, and (after seeing that the holes in tea bags are too small to let actual bits of tea leaves out) are led to conclude that the tea can get out only if it is made of very small particles. After students consider the macroscopic properties of solids, liquids, and gases, a theory is introduced in three parts to explain these observations: “The first part of the theory is: Everything consists of tiny particles” (p. 63s). Students are asked to use this idea to explain what they see when they make tea or dilute colored drinks. The Teacher’s Guide suggests several simple demonstrations to reinforce the idea that matter is composed of tiny particles. However, it is not clear how these demonstrations will accomplish this. For example, one of the demonstrations consists of shaking a chalkboard eraser to make chalk dust, which students may confuse with the microscopic particles. In level 1, Chapter 2: Construction Materials, students read and discuss the arrangement and bonding of particles in solids and how they relate to the solids’ physical and chemical properties. However, the idea that all matter is made of particles is not mentioned explicitly in this context. In level 1, Chapter 11: The Atmosphere, in the context of explaining convection, students read that “[i]t is sometimes helpful to picture materials as being made up of very small molecules” (p. 316s). Later in the chapter, before students are introduced to the ideal gas law, they read that over 200 years ago Bernoulli “suggested that gases might consist of large numbers of tiny particles moving around rapidly in all directions” and that “[t]oday, these particles are called molecules” (p. 320s).

In level B, Chapter 9: Wear and Tear, and level C, Chapter 3: Gulp! the student text uses consistently the term “particles,” but there is no discussion of atoms and molecules. In level 1, Chapter 2: Construction Materials, the material begins to use the terms “atom” and “molecules” alongside the term “particles.” However, the material never explicitly points out that the “atoms” and “molecules” are the particles that were discussed in the previous levels. The material explicitly points out that all substances are made up of particles in only one instance. In addition, it does not attempt to contrast the particle theory to naive theories (matter is continuous or matter just includes particles) as the statement of the key idea does.

Idea b: These particles are extremely small—far too small to see directly through a microscope.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea b shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): These particles are extremely small—far too small to see directly through a microscope.

The idea that “[a]ll matter is made up of tiny particles” is listed as a key point in the material (level C, Chapter 3: Gulp!, p. 146t). In the student text, “tiny particles” is briefly mentioned four times (over three years, levels B, C, and 1) (for example, “Everything consists of tiny particles” [level C, pp. 62–63s]). In addition, the Teacher’s Guide (but not the student text) relates three activities to the small size of particles: The fact that chlorine can be smelled above a swimming pool is used to suggest that “some of the chlorine is escaping from the water. Anticipating later lessons in this chapter, this can be discussed in terms of particles of chlorine (too small to see) being spread through the water and escaping into the air” (level C, p. 124t). In the activity that follows, students evaporate tap water and discover a solid residue, which is explained in the Teacher’s Guide as “the solid residue must have come from the water, which had tiny particles of the dissolved substance spread out through it” (level C, p. 130t). In a subsequent activity, students look at tea bags under a microscope and at the process of making tea (as a drink). They see the color of tea spreading out in the water, and (after seeing that the holes in tea bags are too small to let actual bits of tea leaves out) are led to conclude that the tea can get out only if it is made of very small particles. However, the idea that “particles are too small to see directly through a microscope” is not explicitly stated in the student or teacher materials.

Idea c: Atoms and molecules are perpetually in motion.

There is a content match. However, this idea is not listed as a key point and is addressed only peripherally in the material. The idea of perpetual motion is noted explicitly only once in the student text in relation to gases in level 1, Chapter 11: The Atmosphere: “Air particles are constantly moving, so objects are pressed by air from all sides” (p. 320s). It is also briefly noted in the Teacher’s Guide in level C, Chapter 3: Gulp! in the context of an activity in which students observe the color of tea spreading out in water: “Discussion now develops the idea that the particles of water are constantly moving, and that they move faster at higher temperatures” (p. 137t). The motion of particles is mentioned or shown in diagrams in three more instances in relation to liquids and gases and in one instance in connection to solids. In these instances the material does not explicitly point out the constant motion of particles. For example, “In liquids and gases, the particles are moving around freely and can bump into each other” (level 1, Chapter 2: Construction Materials, p. 48s).

Idea d: Increased temperature means greater molecular motion, so most substances expand when heated.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea d shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): Increased temperature means greater molecular motion, so most substances [air] expand[s] when heated.

The connection between temperature and molecular motion is listed as a “key point” for lesson 8 in Chapter 3: Gulp! (level C, p. 146t). The connection between increased motion of particles and thermal expansion is implied in a key point listed in level 1, Chapter 11: The Atmosphere: “Increasing temperature of air causes the density of air to decrease as a result of the molecules being spread farther apart” (p. 730t, vol. II). However, this statement mentions only air, and does not mention solids or liquids or even other gases. In level C, Chapter 3: Gulp! students observe that tea spreads out faster into a cup of hot water than into a cup of cold water, and that the rate at which gas is given off when soda is heated is greater at higher temperatures. The Teacher’s Guide links these activities to the idea that increased temperature means greater molecular motion (part of Idea d) (e.g., “Discussion now develops the idea that the particles of water are constantly moving, and that they move faster at higher temperatures…” [p. 137t]), but this link is not presented in the student book. The student text notes the connection between temperature and increased molecular motion in only one instance in the middle school materials in the context of explaining evaporation: “When a substance is heated, energy is transferred to the particles. This energy causes the particles to move more vigorously” (p. 63s). Twice in level 1 the student text presents the idea that when a substance is heated, its molecules move faster, once in the context of explaining why warm air rises and then in the context of explaining the three gas laws. In the same chapter, the material also makes the connection between increased molecular motion and thermal expansion of gases two times: once in the student book in the context of the gas law linking volume and temperature, and again in the Teacher’s Guide in the context of an activity in which students compare the circumference of a balloon when it is placed in a hot bath and a cold bath. The material does not explain the thermal expansion of solids and liquids at a molecular level.

Idea e: There are differences in the arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules in solids, liquids, and gases. In solids, particles (1) are packed closely, (2) are (often) arranged regularly, (3) vibrate in all directions, (4) attract and “stick to” one another. In liquids, particles (1) are packed closely, (2) are not arranged regularly, (3) can slide past one another, (4) attract and are connected loosely to one another. In gases, particles (1) are far apart, (2) are arranged randomly, (3) spread evenly through the spaces they occupy, (4) move in all directions, (5) are free of one another, except during collisions.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea e shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): There are differences in the arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules in solids, liquids, and gases. In solids, particles (1) are packed closely, (2) are (often) regularly arranged, (3) vibrate in all directions, (4) attract and “stick to” one another. In liquids, particles (1) are packed closely, (2) are not arranged regularly, (3) can slide past one another, (4) attract and are connected loosely to one another. In gases, particles (1) are far apart, (2) are arranged randomly, (3) spread evenly through the spaces they occupy, (4) move in all directions, (5) are free of one another, except during collisions.

The different arrangement of particles in solids, liquids, and gases and the different motion of particles in liquids and gases are listed as key points in lesson 8 of Chapter 3: Gulp! (level C, p. 146t). The idea that there are forces between particles in solids, liquids, and gases and that the strength of these forces is different in the three states is not explicitly listed as a key point. However, some aspects of this key idea are implied in the key point, “Structure and composition affect the properties of a material” (level 1, Chapter 2: Construction Materials, p. 95t). In level C, Chapter 3: Gulp! students compare the density, squashability, and “move-through-ability” of solids, liquids, and gases. The different arrangement of particles in solids, liquids, and gases and the different motion of particles in liquids and gases are presented in the student text, and the Teacher’s Guide links these to the different properties of solids, liquids, and gases. In level 1, Chapter 2: Construction Materials, the student text represents the arrangement of particles in solids, compares the arrangement and motion of particles in solid and liquid salt and glass, and links the density of metals to the arrangement of their atoms. It also links properties of wood, fired clay, and plastics to the forces between their molecules.

Idea f: Changes of state—melting, freezing, evaporating, condensing—can be explained in terms of changes in the arrangement, interaction, and motion of atoms and molecules.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea f shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): Changes of state—melting, freezing, evaporating, condensing—can be explained in terms of changes in the arrangement, interaction, and motion of atoms and molecules.

The molecular explanation of changes of state is not listed as a key point in PRIME Science. In level C, Chapter 3: Gulp! brief explanations of melting and evaporation are presented in the student material, but they do not account for changes of state step-by-step in terms of changes in the arrangement, interaction, and motion of particles: “In a solid the particles begin to vibrate more vigorously until the regular pattern of the solid is broken down and the particles become free to move around. In a liquid the particles eventually gain sufficient energy to escape from the liquid” (p. 63s). Explanations of melting and evaporation are followed by questions that ask for explanations of solidifying and condensation, but there are no clear instructions that students should respond to these questions. The Teacher’s Guide includes similar brief explanations for freezing and condensation (for example, “Cooling gases removes energy until the particles can no longer keep apart and the gas condenses” [p. 148t]). It is not clear whether teachers are expected to relate these explanations to their students.

In level 1, Chapter 2: Construction Materials, the student materials include brief descriptions of cooling of liquid sodium chloride and liquid glass at the particle level. The descriptions focus more on the final state (solid substance) rather than account for the cooling process in terms of changes in the arrangement, interaction, and motion of particles (p. 33s).

Building a Case

The material does not attempt to build a case for the key physical science ideas but rather asserts them and expects students to use them to explain various phenomena.


In PRIME Science, experiences related to the key physical science ideas are distributed among several chapters over three years (see the segment above entitled “Alignment”). Students generally encounter the key ideas in new contexts or at progressively higher levels of sophistication. For example, level A introduces changes of state and dissolving at a macroscopic level while level C explores them in greater depth and uses the particle model to explain them. PRIME Science provides guidance to identify the chapters in which the key physical science ideas are addressed. The Teacher’s Guide for each course contains an explanation of the 13 organizing topics for PRIME Science and how they are related to each chapter at each grade level (see, for example, pages 18–27t in level C). The small particle model is a subtopic of two of the organizing topics. In addition, the Background section of each chapter lesson links the chapter to relevant chapters that follow it and relevant chapters that precede it.

PRIME Science does not provide tasks, questions, or text that clearly tie together the distributed experiences students have with the key ideas, nor does it prompt teachers to make such connections. For example, when students are introduced to particles in level C (chapter 3), they are not reminded of their previous experiences with the idea of particles in level B (chapter 9). Likewise, when the “kinetic theory of gases” is introduced in level 1 (chapter 11) to explain the pressure of gases and the gas laws, it is not connected to the particle theory of matter that was described in level C (p. 320s).

At a finer grain size, the experiences that students have with the concepts of particles, atoms, and molecules are not linked with each other. In the chapters that relate to the key ideas in levels B and C, the student text consistently uses the term “particles,” and there is no discussion of atoms and molecules. In level 1, Chapter 2: Construction Materials, the material begins to use the terms “atom” and “molecules” alongside the term “particles.” However, the material never explicitly points out that the “atoms” and “molecules” are the “particles” that were discussed in the previous levels. (It should be noted that the term “atom” appears to be introduced for the first time in level C, Chapter 8: Metals, but it is not defined. Without any preparation, in the context of interpreting formulas, students are asked how many oxygen atoms are paired with each atom of magnesium in magnesium oxide [p. 193s]. The index in level C includes the term “particles” but not the term “atoms.”) The lack of questions, readings, or other activities that would help students make connections between the different instances in which the key ideas are addressed is an important issue is this material, given that the material organizes chapters around themes (such as “drinks” in chapter 3: Gulp!) rather than a set of coherent ideas.

The material makes a few connections between the key ideas and other ideas in level 1, but students are never engaged in making or explaining the connections. For example, after designing an experiment to test how hydrogen-chloride concentration is related to reaction rate, the connection between concentration and reaction rate is related to the random motion of liquid HCl particles (level 1, chapter 2, p. 48s). The connection is adequately explained, but there is no mention in the Teacher’s Guide of how this page would be used or discussed.

There are also many missed opportunities for connections. Early in level C, Chapter 3: Gulp! students are introduced to the “water cycle” (pp. 48–49s). The text states that “[b]y the time you have finished this chapter you should be able to explain the water cycle in detail” (p. 48s). However, in the In Brief section at the end of the chapter, the only connection between the particle model and the water cycle consists of two statements: “During evaporation, energy is transferred to the water particles,” and “During condensation, energy is transferred from the water particles” (p. 64s). In level 1, Chapter 11: The Atmosphere, students review the question, “Where does rain come from?” by observing and discussing water condensing on the outside of a cold can (p. 324s; p. 749t, vol. II). However, no connection is made between the particle theory and the “water cycle.”

Beyond Literacy

Within the lessons that focus on the kinetic molecular theory, the material rarely goes beyond the science literacy recommendations in Benchmarks for Science Literacy (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993). An exception is the description of the quantitative relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature (“Ideal Gas Law” in level 1, Chapter 11: The Atmosphere, p. 321s). Nevertheless, the quantitative relationship is introduced only after the material describes the corresponding qualitative relationships.

However, the chapters in which the kinetic molecular theory is addressed sometimes go beyond the science literacy recommendations in their treatment of other topics. Even so, it should be noted, that the text goes beyond the recommendations by including content that is more detailed and technical, rather than content that is developmentally too advanced for the intended audience. For example, in level C, Chapter 3: Gulp! in the context of water supplies and, in particular, in discussing sanitation and water purity, the unit introduces details of the sewage treatment process, of using chlorine to kill bacteria in drinking water, and of how the pH of drinking water needs to be adjusted after using chlorine. It also discusses minerals in water and water hardness.


The evaluation teams developed a summary assessment of the most common kinds of errors found in each of the three subject areas—physical science, Earth science, and life science. In this context, “errors” is taken to mean not only outright inaccuracies, but also those instances in which the material is very likely to lead to or support student misconceptions. Overall, inducement to misconstrue is the most serious problem of accuracy in the evaluated materials.

The evaluation teams’ collective findings, presented below, should be taken as having general applicability to all of the evaluated materials, not complete and specific applicability in toto to any one of them.

Identified errors occur most frequently in drawings and other diagrams. They take the form of representations that are likely to either give rise to or reinforce misconceptions commonly held by students. Following are physical science examples of the kinds of misleading illustrative materials of most concern to the evaluation teams:

  • Diagrams and drawings that show atoms or molecules of solids, liquids, and gases in colored backgrounds (for example, water molecules inside blue drop shapes) and that thereby can initiate or reinforce the misconception that particles are contained in solids, liquids, and gases, in contrast to the correct idea that substances consist of particles (with empty space between particles). This misconception may be further reinforced by the wording of diagram labels, such as “solid particles in solid water and water particles in liquid water” (emphasis added). Similarly, statements such as “explanations for what is inside things” may imply that matter contains particles (as well as other things), rather than that matter is made of particles.

  • Diagrams of solids (and occasionally liquids) that do not depict the motion of atoms or molecules can give rise to, or reinforce, the misconception that atoms or molecules of solids (or liquids) are still.

  • Diagrams that show molecules of liquids much farther apart than the molecules of solids are misleading; in most liquids, molecules are only a little farther apart.

  • Diagrams that show particles of a substance in the solid, liquid, and gaseous state in different colors can reinforce the erroneous idea that the particles themselves are different, not their arrangement and motion. Similarly, diagrams that show particles of a substance changing size as the substance changes state can give rise to the misconception that the molecules themselves change size, becoming larger when heated.

The use of imprecise of inaccurate language is problematic in text materials, not soley in illustrations. Specifically, language that does not maintain a clear distinction between substances and atoms or molecules can mislead students to attribute macroscopic properties or behavior (such as hardness, color or physical state) to individual atoms or molecules. For example, statements such as “the particles of perfume are moving farther apart as they change into a gas and diffuse throughout the air,” “write a story from the point of view of a particle in the solid phase as it melts and then evaporates,” and “draw what happens when the particles change state” (emphasis added) imply inaccurately that the particles themselves change state (melt, evaporate, etc.).