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Middle Grades Science Textbooks: A Benchmarks-Based Evaluation

Prentice Hall Exploring Earth Science, Exploring Life Science, and Exploring Physical Science. Prentice Hall School, 1997
Earth Science Life Science Physical Science

About this Evaluation Report
Content Analysis
Instructional Analysis
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material's content aligns with the specific key ideas that have been selected for use in the analysis.
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material develops an evidence-based argument for the key ideas, including whether the case presented is valid, comprehensible, and convincing.
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material makes connections (1) among the key ideas, (2) between the key ideas and their prerequisites, and (3) between the key ideas and other, related ideas.
[Explanation] This section notes whether the curriculum material presents any information that is more advanced than the set of key ideas, looking particularly at whether the “beyond literacy” information interrupts the presentation of the grade-appropriate information.
[Explanation] This section notes whether the curriculum material presents any information that contains errors, misleading statements, or statements that may reinforce commonly held student misconceptions.


Idea a: Food (for example, sugars) provides molecules that serve as fuel and building material for all organisms.
There is a content match. This key idea is addressed mainly at the substance level rather than at the molecular level. The idea that food provides energy and building materials for all organisms is fundamental for student understanding of the other key life science ideas, and it is especially important because the everyday meaning of the term "food" is inconsistent with its biologic meaning. The key idea is addressed primarily in the text. In Chapter 2: The Nature of Life, while describing the needs of living things, the text states: “Food is a need of all living things. It is a source of energy as well as a supplier of the raw materials needed for growth, development, and repair of body parts” (p. 55s). In describing the role of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in living things, the text notes that “the main source of energy in living things is carbohydrates” (p. 62s) and that “proteins are used to build body parts such as hair and muscles” (p. 62s). And when describing photosynthesis (p. 232s), the text states that the glucose formed in photosynthesis can be broken down to release energy or changed into other chemicals used for growth and repair.

Idea b: Plants make their own food, whereas animals obtain food by eating other organisms.

There is a content match. This idea is presented several times in the student text. For example, it is stated in chapter 2, Section 2–1: The Origin of Life, when the terms “consumers” and “producers” are first used:
Earth today is filled with both consumers and producers. You, for example, are a consumer. You must eat food in order to obtain energy and important nutrients. Green plants, on the other hand, are producers. They use chemicals in their environment and the energy of sunlight to produce their own food. [p. 43s]

It is stated again in chapter 2, Section 2–2: Characteristics of Living Things:

All living things must either take in food or produce their own food. For most animals, ingestion, or eating, is as simple as putting food into their mouths. Green plants do not have to ingest food. Green plants are able to make their own food. [p. 49s]

And, in the context of describing cell processes, the text includes a diagram of a sugar factory and poses the question, “Is the diagram a representation of a plant cell or an animal cell?” (p. 82s). No activities explicitly focus on the idea. While students observe Euglenas under a microscope and are told that these organisms are capable of shifting from being autotrophs to being heterotrophs, the capabilities of these two kinds of organism are not contrasted (p. 168s).

Idea c: Matter is transformed in living systems.

Idea c1: Plants make sugars from carbon dioxide (in the air) and water.

There is a content match. The idea is stated several times in the text. The idea is stated first in chapter 2, in the context of the characteristics of living things: “The green plants use the water and carbon dioxide, along with energy from the sun, to make food” (p. 49s). In Chapter 9: Plants With Seeds, the text states a more complete version of the idea in the context of describing the process of photosynthesis:
Through a complex series of chemical reactions (which will not be discussed here), the light energy is used to combine water from the soil with carbon dioxide from their air. One of the products of the chemical reactions is food, which is generally in the form of a sugar called glucose. [p. 232s]

No activities explicitly focus on the idea. Although the Teacher’s Edition refers to a few activities, none are explained in terms of this key idea. For example, students observe that when Elodea is grown in the light, it changes the color of bromthymol blue solution; however, the focus of the activity is gas exchange and comparing photosynthesis and respiration, rather than on the transformation of matter (p. 232t; Teaching Resources, chapter 9 booklet, pp. 21, 37). In another investigation, students test plant leaves for starch; but the investigation lacks experimental control so the transformation of carbon dioxide to sugar or starch cannot be legitimately concluded (p. 231t; Teaching Resources, chapter 9 booklet, p. 19).

Idea c2: Plants break down the sugars they have synthesized back into simpler substances—carbon dioxide and water—and assemble sugars into the plants' body structures, including some energy stores.
There is a content match. The first part of the idea is presented in Chapter 3: Cells, Tissues, and Organ Systems in the context of describing cell processes. After stating that respiration is performed constantly by all living things (p. 82s), the text briefly describes the process of respiration and gives the equation (p. 83s). The rest of the idea is presented in Chapter 9: Plants With Seeds, where the text explains briefly what happens to the sugar formed in photosynthesis:
Glucose can be broken down to release energy…. Glucose can also be changed into other chemicals. Some of these chemicals are used by a plant for growth and for repair of its parts. Other chemicals are stored in special areas in the roots and stems. [p. 232s]

The Teacher’s Edition includes a potentially helpful question but does not relate it to the key idea. Marginal notes suggest that the teacher develop the concept of photosynthesis using the question: “When a seedling with a mass of only a few grams grows into a tall tree with a mass of several tons, where does the tree’s increase in mass come from?” (p. 231t). However, no further suggestions are given about how to use this question, and the desired response is not provided.

The Teacher’s Edition refers to another potentially relevant question: “Into which organic compound [of the carbon cycle in the diagram] does photosynthesis convert the carbon of [carbon dioxide]?” (p. 232t; Teaching Resources, chapter 9 booklet, p. 21). However, no guidance is given for how students might respond or how their responses could be probed further to get at the key idea.

Idea c3: Other organisms break down the stored sugars or the body structures of the plants they eat (or in the animals they eat) into simpler substances and reassemble them into their own body structures, including some energy stores.

There is a content match. In Chapter 2: The Nature of Life, in the context of describing characteristics of living things, the text presents the idea:
Building up and breaking down is a good way to describe the chemical activities that are essential to life. During some of these activities, simple substances combine to form complex substances. These substances are needed by an organism to grow, store energy, and repair or replace cells and other body parts. During other activities, complex substances are broken down, releasing energy and usable food substances. Together, these chemical activities are called metabolism…. Metabolism is another characteristic of living things. [p. 49s]

In describing digestion, the text restates the idea but doesn’t mention energy stores:

Getting food into the body is a first step. Now the process of metabolism can begin. But there is a lot more to metabolism than just eating. The food must be digested in order to be used. Digestion is the process by which food is broken down into simpler substances. Later some of these simpler substances are reassembled into more complex materials for use in the growth and repair of the living thing. [p. 50s]

In Chapter 3: Cells, Tissues, and Organ Systems, in the context of describing cell parts and functions, the text notes that inside the mitochondria, simple food substances are broken down into water and carbon dioxide (p. 78s) and gives the word and chemical equations for respiration (p. 83s).

Two activities are suggested in Teaching Resources, but neither is explained in terms of this key idea. In the first activity, students test their breath for carbon dioxide (p. 82t; Teaching Resources, chapter 3 booklet, p. 23s); and in the second, they incubate yeast and sugar, smell the alcohol produced, and observe a color change, which indicates the production of carbon dioxide (p. 82t; Teaching Resources, chapter 3 booklet, pp. 23, 25). However, students do not observe what happens when sugar or yeast is not added; so they cannot legitimately conclude that sugar is transformed into carbon dioxide and water.

Idea c4: Decomposers transform dead organisms into simpler substances, which other organisms can reuse.

There is a content match. The text states the key idea several times and provides discussion questions that focus students’ attention on the idea. The text first presents this idea in Chapter 5: Viruses and Monerans: “Other bacteria feed on dead organisms. These bacteria are decomposers. Decomposers break down dead organisms into simpler substances and return important materials to the soil and water” (p. 140s). The Teacher’s Edition provides the following discussion questions, which focus on the role of decomposers:
What happens to the leaves that people rake in the fall?
What happens to leaves that fall in the forest?
Whether leaves fall to the forest floor or are composted in a backyard, how do the leaves decompose?
Why does a leaf decompose?
What would happen if all the bacteria suddenly disappeared from the Earth? [p. 140t]

The text then makes explicit the idea that other organisms can use the substances recycled by decomposers: “These simpler substances can be used by autotrophs—such as green plants and blue-green bacteria—to make food” (p. 141s). In Chapter 7: Fungi, the text mentions that many species of fungi are decomposers, and poses the question: “Why can such fungi, along with certain bacteria, be called ‘the Earth’s cleanup crew’?” (p. 181s). In Chapter 26: Interactions Among Living Things, before introducing the concepts of food webs and food chains, the text reviews the terms “producers,” “consumers,” and “decomposers” (pp. 668–670s). In the context of introducing food chains, the text notes that without decomposers, organisms within an ecosystem could not survive for long, gives an example of an Antarctic food chain, and then states the role of decomposers:

The “end” of a food chain is connected to the “beginning” by decomposers. In the Antarctic food chain, decomposers break down the body of the killer whale when it dies. This makes matter in the form of nutrients available to the producers. [p. 670s]

Two activities focus on the idea. Students observe the process of making compost in a soda bottle (pp. 841–843s; Teaching Resources, chapter 26 booklet, pp. 19–23), and look for signs of decay in a local wooded area (p. 669t; Teaching Resources, chapter 26 booklet, p. 15).

Idea d: Energy is transformed in living systems.

Idea d1: Plants use the energy from light to make "energy-rich" sugars.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea d1 shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): Plants use the energy from light to make “energy-rich” sugars.

The text states several times that plants use light to make sugars, but it never makes clear that the sugars become “energy rich” in the process. For example, in Chapter 2: The Nature of Life, the text states, “Green plants…use chemicals in their environment and the energy of sunlight to produce their own food” (p. 43s), and repeats the statement later in the chapter (p. 50s). In describing the needs of living things, the text clarifies the idea that food stores energy but stops short of explaining that the energy stored in food came from the sun: “Plants use the sun’s light energy to make food. Some animals feed on plants and in that way obtain the energy stored in the plants” (p. 55s). Finally, a single Chapter Review question could probe students’ understanding of photosynthesis, but the question is vague and the suggested response does not get at the energy transformation involved:

Question: Defend this statement: All plants and animals get their energy from the sun. [p. 67s, Concept Mastery, item 4]
Suggested response: Plants produce food by using raw materials obtained from the air, soil, and water in combination with energy from the sun…. [p. 66t]

Similarly, Chapter 3: Cells, Tissues, and Organ Systems does not make explicit the energy transformation that occurs in the chloroplast: “Chlorophyll captures the energy of sunlight, which can then be used to help produce food for the plant cell” (pp. 80–81s). And Chapter 9: Plants With Seeds, in the context of describing photosynthesis, once again fails to make it explicit that an energy transformation is involved. The text describes the process using such phrases as “the sun’s light energy is captured” and “the light energy is used to combine water from the soil with carbon dioxide from the air,” and it presents the word equation that does not indicate that the product glucose is energy rich (p. 232s). As in its earlier presentation, the text explains that glucose can be broken down to release energy, but it does not point out that the energy in glucose comes from some of the light energy that was transformed (p. 232s). Because many students have difficulty understanding that energy cannot be created or destroyed, they will probably think that the glucose energy is a “new” energy (Gayford, 1986).

The material also includes two relevant activities, but neither focuses on energy transformation. Students grow plants under cellophane sheets of different colors and observe the effect of the color of the cellophane on growth (p. 43t). While this activity can help students understand the idea examined, the energy transformations in plants is not mentioned. In chapter 9, students grow Elodea in the dark and in the light, and observe that only the Elodea grown in the light removes carbon dioxide from its medium (pp. 801–802s). However, the Analysis and Conclusions questions focus on matter rather than energy transformation.

Idea d2: Plants get energy by breaking down the sugars, releasing some of the energy as heat.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea d2 shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): Plants get energy by breaking down the sugars, releasing some of the energy as heat. The text presents the idea that plants get energy by breaking down the sugars, but not the idea that heat is released in the process. In the context of describing cell processes, in Chapter 3: Cells, Tissues, and Organ Systems, the text makes clear that all living things get energy by breaking down sugars (though it does not specifically state that plants respire too):
Earlier you learned that energy is released when simple food substances such as sugars are broken down inside the mitochondria. The process in which simple food substances such as glucose are broken down, and the energy they contain is released is called respiration. Because living things need a continuous supply of energy, respiration is performed constantly by all living things. [p. 82s]

In Chapter 9: Plants With Seeds, after dealing with photosynthesis, the student text states only that glucose can be broken down to release energy (p. 232s). None of the statements about respiration indicate that heat is released.

Idea d3: Other organisms get energy to grow and function by breaking down the consumed body structures to sugars and then breaking down the sugars, releasing some of the energy into the environment as heat.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea d3 shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): Other organisms get energy to grow and function by breaking down the [food] consumed body structures to sugars and then breaking down the sugars, releasing some of the energy into the environment as heat. The text conveys most of the idea but does not indicate that energy is released into the environment as heat. In Chapter 2: The Nature of Life, the text makes clear that animals carry out digestion and respiration:
DIGESTION Getting food into the body is a first step. Now the process of metabolism can begin. But there is a lot more to metabolism than just eating. The food must be digested in order to be used. Digestion is the process by which food is broken down into simpler substances….
RESPIRATION All living things require energy to survive. To obtain energy, living things combine oxygen with the products of digestion (in animals) or the products of photosynthesis (in green plants). The energy is used to do the work of the organism. The process by which living things take in oxygen and use it to produce energy is called respiration. You get the energy you need by combining the foods you eat with the oxygen you breathe. [p. 50s]

In Chapter 3: Cells, Tissues, and Organ Systems, the text states that “Inside the mitochondria, simple food substances such as sugars are broken down into water and carbon dioxide” and that energy is released (p. 78s). Much later, in Chapter 26: Interactions Among Living Things, the text describes the loss of energy at each level in a food web but does not indicate that the energy is released as heat: “At each feeding level, organisms use the energy they obtain to digest their food, reproduce, move, grow, and carry out other life activities. What does this mean for living things at higher feeding levels? It means that there is less energy available to them” (pp. 671–672s).

Idea e: Matter and energy are transferred from one organism to another repeatedly and between organisms and their physical environment.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea e shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): Matter and energy [is] are transferred from one organism to another repeatedly and between organisms and their physical environment. The material presents the idea that energy is transferred but not the idea that matter is transferred, and neither is shown to occur repeatedly. In Chapter 26: Interactions Among Living Things, in the context of introducing food chains, the text states the idea that energy is transferred: “A food chain represents a series of events in which food and energy are transferred from one organism in an ecosystem to another” (p. 670s). The text then gives an example of an Antarctic food chain (pp. 670–671s), but the description is given mostly in terms of “what eats what” rather than in terms of the transfer of matter between organisms. In Chapter 27: Cycles in Nature, the text describes the oxygen and carbon cycles, but the emphasis is on the exchange of matter between the living and nonliving parts of the environment and not on the repeated transfer of matter from one organism to the next (pp. 706–707s). Finally, a single Chapter Review question could probe students’ understanding of photosynthesis, but the question is vague and the suggested response does not get at the energy transformation involved:
Question: Defend this statement: All plants and animals get their energy from the sun. [p. 67s, Concept Mastery, item 4]
Suggested response: Plants produce food by using raw materials obtained from the air, soil, and water in combination with energy from the sun. The plants then obtain energy by breaking down these foods through respiration. Animals either eat plants for food or eat other animals that eat plants. In either case, the animal produces energy through respiration by combining the food with oxygen. [p. 66t]

Building a Case

No attempt is made to provide an evidence-based argument for key life science ideas. The key ideas are simply asserted without evidence. When activities are included that could be used to make ideas credible (such as observing that Elodea grown in the light changes the color of bromthymol blue solution [p. 231t; Teaching Resources, chapter 9 booklet, p. 23]), the activities are not used to do so.


Many of the key life science ideas are merely mentioned in the text; and, typically, they are distributed across more than two chapters. The material does not convey the rationale for the sequence of encounters that students have with a particular idea, nor is the rationale made apparent. In some cases, it seems that there are literal repetitions of the same statements. No attempt is made to develop an idea and tie it to other ideas that it presents. For example, the statement that decomposers break down dead organisms into simpler, reusable substances appears in three chapters in the book. However, what these “simpler substances” consist of is never specified; so it is not made clear that decomposition is actually respiration carried out by decomposers.

With respect to the idea that plants transform light energy into chemical energy in sugars (Idea d1), the material explains that light energy is used in photosynthesis, and then that glucose can be broken down to release energy. But it never points out that the energy in glucose comes from some of the light energy that is captured by the plants (p. 232s). As many students have difficulty understanding that energy cannot be created or destroyed, they will probably think that the light energy “disappeared,” and that glucose energy is a “new” energy.

A different example is related to the idea that the sugars that are made by plants can be assembled into the plants’ body structures (Idea c2). In chapter 9, the text describes parts of plants and gives examples of plants that store food in their roots and stems (pp. 224–230s) but does not mention where this stored food comes from. Later, when the food-making process is recounted, the Teacher’s Edition states:

Our understanding of photosynthesis is the result of the same question being asked for thousands of years: When a seedling with a mass of only a few grams grows into a tall tree with a mass of several tons, where does the tree’s increase in mass come from? [p. 231t]

However, while this question can be helpful, there is no follow-up to it. The student text explains briefly what happens to the sugar formed in photosynthesis:

Glucose can also be changed into other chemicals. Some of these chemicals are used by a plant for growth and for repair of its parts. Other chemicals are stored in special areas in the roots and stems. [p. 232s]

Unfortunately, the text does not go back to answer the question: “Where does the tree’s increase in mass come from?” Nor does it make clear that the food stored in roots, stems, and leaves and the “chemicals” stored in these body parts are essentially the same thing.

Beyond Literacy

The chapters examined several topics that are outside the scope of science literacy defined in Benchmarks for Science Literacy (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993) and National Science Education Standards (National Research Council, 1996). Key ideas about matter and energy transformations are presented in sections that include a lot of additional information, such as The Five Kingdoms (pp. 120–122s), Monerans (pp. 137–147s), Plant Protists (pp. 167–171s), and Structure of Seed Plants (pp. 224–235s). These sections include topics and terms, such as names of leaf layers and parts of cells and plants, that go beyond what is needed for science literacy.

However, the material does refrain from including more sophisticated material in its treatment of photosynthesis:

In photosynthesis, the sun’s energy is captured by chlorophyll, which is the green pigment you read about in Chapter 8. Through a complex series of chemical reactions (which will not be discussed here), the light energy is used to combine water from the soil which carbon dioxide from the air. One of the products of the chemical reactions is food, which is generally in the form of a sugar called glucose. [p. 232s]

The text does not present light and dark reactions of photosynthesis or details of respiration.


The evaluation teams developed a summary assessment of the most common kinds of errors found in each of the three subject areas—physical science, Earth science, and life science. In this context, “errors” is taken to mean not only outright inaccuracies, but also those instances in which the material is very likely to lead to or support student misconceptions. Overall, inducement to misconstrue is the most serious problem of accuracy in the evaluated materials.

The teams’ collective findings, presented below, should be taken as having general applicability to all of the evaluated materials, not complete and specific applicability in toto to any one of them.

Identified errors occur most frequently in drawings and other diagrams. They take the form of representations that are likely to either give rise to or reinforce misconceptions commonly held by students. Following are life science examples of the kinds of misleading illustrative materials of most concern to the evaluation teams:

  • Diagrams of energy pyramids that indicate decreases in energy (without indicating that the energy is given off as heat) can reinforce students’ misconception that energy is not conserved.
  • Diagrams and explanations that show the reciprocal nature of respiration and photosynthesis can reinforce the misconception that only animals respire—and that plants do not. Furthermore, emphasizing the notion that these processes are reciprocal or balance one another fails to convey that the rate of photosynthesis is far more than that of respiration. Consequently, plants produce enough food (and oxygen) during photosynthesis both for their own needs and for the needs of other organisms.
  • Diagrams of nutrient cycles in biological systems, such as the carbon-oxygen cycle or the nitrogen cycle, often misrepresent the transformation of matter—showing, for example, atoms of carbon in one form but not in others. By failing to show a particular element throughout the cycle, a text can reinforce the misconception that matter can disappear in one place and reappear in another, as opposed to simply changing forms.

The use of imprecise or inaccurate language is problematic in text and teacher materials, not solely in illustrations. In life science, one significant problem is that imprecise language in explanations of energy transformations can reinforce students’ common misconception that matter and energy can be interconverted in everyday chemical reactions. For example, presenting the overall equation for cellular respiration in which energy appears as a product without indicating where the energy was at the start can lead students to conclude that matter is converted to energy. Similarly, presenting the overall equation for photosynthesis in which energy appears only as a reactant can lead them to conclude that energy has been converted into matter.