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Middle Grades Science Textbooks: A Benchmarks-Based Evaluation

Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Science. Macmillan/McGraw-Hill School Publishing Company, 1995
Earth Science Life Science Physical Science

About this Evaluation Report
Content Analysis
Instructional Analysis
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material's content aligns with the specific key ideas that have been selected for use in the analysis.
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material develops an evidence-based argument in support of the key ideas, including whether the case presented is valid, comprehensible, and convincing.
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material makes connections (1) among the key ideas, (2) between the key ideas and their prerequisites, and (3) between the key ideas and other, related ideas.
[Explanation] This section notes whether the curriculum material presents any information that is more advanced than the set of key ideas, looking particularly at whether the “beyond literacy” information interrupts the presentation of the grade-appropriate information.
[Explanation] This section notes whether the curriculum material presents any information that contains errors, misleading statements, or statements that may reinforce commonly held student misconceptions.


Idea a: All matter is made up of particles called atoms and molecules (as opposed to being continuous or just including particles).
There is a content match. In Changes in Matter, the idea that all matter is made up of atoms is discussed in a few locations in the student material. It appears first in a historical context in the introduction to the unit:
What would happen, he [Democritus] wondered, if you should cut a piece of iron into smaller and smaller pieces until you could no longer see it? Democritus hypothesized that eventually you would end up cutting the iron into such a small piece (or particle) that it could no longer be cut. Democritus called these tiny particles “atoms.”… Democritus was correct in determining that all matter is composed of atoms…. [p. 6s]

The accompanying teacher’s notes suggest an activity in which students make any object they want using as building blocks popped popcorn and glue or toothpicks, compare the variety of objects they created, and draw an analogy between the popcorn and the atoms. Teachers are to point out that atoms are the building blocks of the universe and that all matter consists of atoms (p. 6t). In a subsequent activity, the statement that “All matter is made up of atoms” leads into a paragraph that explains the transitions from solid to liquid to gas at a microscopic level (p. 20s) and, later, to an activity that is intended to illustrate that atoms exist, even though one cannot see them (pp. 38-39s) (for a critique of this activity, see Building a Case below). Finally, in the context of discussing the structure of the atom, the material mentions that “John Dalton…proposed in 1803 that each chemical element is composed of single building blocks called atoms” (p. 40s). Accompanying teacher’s notes suggest that students write a script for a discussion of atomic theory between the Greek philosopher Democritus and the English chemist John Dalton (p. 40t).

No attempt is made to contrast the atomic theory to naive theories (e.g., that matter is continuous or that matter includes particles), as the key idea does.

Idea b: These particles are extremely small—far too small to see directly through a microscope.

There is a content match. In Changes in Matter, the text mentions that “atoms are too tiny to be seen with even the best microscopes” and goes on to ask how we can know that matter is made of atoms if we cannot see them (p. 37s). Later in the same lesson, the text states: “Atoms are extremely small. If you could lay atoms in a straight line, side by side, it would take about ten million atoms to extend over the length of one millimeter.” Then, it goes on to say that “even though atoms are so tiny, their presence can be detected with some advanced types of microscopes” (p. 40s), which, without further clarification, contradicts the text’s statement that “atoms are too tiny to be seen with even the best microscopes” (p. 37s). Discussion Strategies suggests that teachers first ask students to guess how many hydrogen atoms there would be in a balloon if it were filled with hydrogen and then reveal that the very rough answer is 100 million million billion hydrogen atoms (p. 40t). In addition to these statements, in a few instances, particles are referred to as tiny (e.g., “In solids, these tiny particles are bound quite close together…” [Changes in Matter, p. 20s]).

Idea c: Atoms and molecules are perpetually in motion.

There is a content match. In Changes in Matter, the material refers occasionally to moving particles without stating explicitly that particles in all matter are in constant motion (e.g., “In solids, these tiny particles are bound quite close together by an attracting force that allows them to move only slightly…” [p. 20s]). The idea is stated explicitly in the student text only once in Using Energy. In the context of discussing the increase in temperature of objects due to friction, the student text states: “Do you remember the properties of matter? You know it has mass, takes up space, and resists changes in motion. But it is also made up of tiny particles in constant motion. The warmth of the objects was due to an increase in the movement of their particles” (p. 16s). Later, the particle motion is linked to the thermal energy of an object (e.g., “A golf ball has thermal energy, even though it feels cool, because of the motion of the atoms and molecules within its structure” [p. 19s]) and the explanation of thermal expansion (“When the [thermometer] tube is put into a substance, such as air or water, the moving particles in the substance bump against those in the thermometer. Faster-moving particles transfer energy to slower-moving particles” [p. 33s]).

Idea d: Increased temperature means greater molecular motion, so most substances expand when heated.

There is a content match. In Changes in Matter, reference is made occasionally to the increased motion of particles with heating, without stating explicitly that increased temperature means greater molecular motion (e.g., “When the solid is heated and energy is added, the particles in the solid start to move more vigorously” [p. 20s]). In Using Energy, students are presented with several phenomena in which the temperature of objects increases due to friction. The explanation given for these phenomena suggests that the increased motion of particles causes the higher temperature, rather than is associated with it. For example, the student text states, “The warmth of the objects was due to an increase in the movement in their particles” and, later, “This increase in the number of collisions between the particles caused the temperature to rise” (p. 16s). The idea that increased temperature means greater molecular motion is linked later to the transfer of energy from objects at higher temperatures to objects at lower temperatures and to the changes of state from solid to liquid and from liquid to gas. It is used to explain thermal expansion too (“When a substance is heated, its molecules move faster, collide with each other more violently, and move farther apart” [p. 32s]). The student text explains the thermal expansion of solids (e.g., a metal wire) and liquids (e.g., the liquid in a thermometer) but not of gases. It also does not connect the idea of “increased temperature means greater molecular motion” with increased dissolving or diffusion rates.

In Using Energy, the student text defines temperature as “a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles that make up an object” (p. 16s). The material uses the idea that temperature is linked to the energy of each particle to distinguish the concepts of thermal energy and temperature. In explaining thermal expansion and changes of state, the text uses the simpler idea that increased temperature means greater motion.

Idea e: There are differences in the arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules in solids, liquids, and gases. In solids, particles (1) are packed closely, (2) are (often) arranged regularly, (3) vibrate in all directions, (4) attract and “stick to” one another. In liquids, particles (1) are packed closely, (2) are not arranged regularly, (3) can slide past one another, (4) attract and are connected loosely to one another. In gases, particles (1) are far apart, (2) are arranged randomly, (3) spread evenly through the spaces they occupy, (4) move in all directions, (5) are free of one another, except during collisions.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea e show which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): There are differences in the arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules in solids, liquids, and gases. In solids, particles (1) are packed closely, (2) are (often) arranged regularly, (3) vibrate in all directions, (4) attract and “stick to” one another. In liquids, particles (1) are packed closely, (2) are not arranged regularly, (3) can slide past one another, (4) attract and are connected loosely to one another. In gases, particles (1) are far apart, (2) are arranged randomly, (3) spread evenly through the spaces they occupy, (4) move in all directions, (5) are free of one another, except during collisions.

Nearly all parts of this key idea are presented. The three exceptions are that the student text states that particles of solids move back and forth only slightly, but it does not say explicitly that the particles vibrate in all directions; that a gas takes the shape of its container, but not that its molecules spread evenly through the spaces they occupy; and that the molecules of a gas move very rapidly and are free of one another, but not that they move in all directions and interact during collisions (Changes in Matter, p. 20s). Most of the parts of this idea are addressed in brief statements in both Changes in Matter and Using Energy in the context of describing states of matter and changes of state. In Changes in Matter, the different arrangement of the particles in solids, liquids, and gases is illustrated with a drawing (p. 20s); in Using Energy, the different arrangement and motion of the particles in solids, liquids, and gases are illustrated with an analogy (p. 37s). The material rarely links the arrangement, motion, and forces between particles to the properties of solids, liquids, and gases in either text or activities.

Idea f: Changes of state—melting, freezing, evaporating, condensing—can be explained in terms of changes in the arrangement, interaction, and motion of atoms and molecules.

There is a content match. In both Changes in Matter and Using Energy, the student text describes the transition from a solid to a liquid to a gas at the molecular level. The descriptions begin with a solid, tracing the changes that occur when energy is added to it until it becomes a gas. For example, in Using Energy, the text states:
When solids gain thermal energy, their molecules or atoms move faster. They move a little farther apart but stay in their patterns…. The state of matter depends on its temperature. At cold temperatures, almost all materials are solids with molecules arranged in orderly patterns…. When forces holding molecules together can’t hold them in orderly arrangements, the molecules stay close together but begin to change positions. Their positions and movements become more disorderly, and they become liquids…. At higher temperatures, the thermal energy in the particles overcomes the forces holding them together and they move much farther apart. [p. 37s].

Later, the student text includes some examples of evaporation but does not link them explicitly to the molecular explanation (Using Energy, p. 38s). The material addresses the processes of boiling, condensation, and sublimation, but not at the molecular level (Using Energy, p. 38s). Although freezing is not dealt with directly, the text does mention that liquids change to solids at “the freezing point” (Using Energy, p. 38s). Neither Using Energy nor Changes in Matter contains information about dissolving at the molecular level (there is some discussion of solutions, mixtures, and alloys, but not at the molecular level).

Building a Case

In general, the text asserts ideas, but does not develop an evidence-based argument to support them. An exception occurs in Changes in Matter, Lesson 3: Meet the Atom: The Basic Building Blocks of the Universe (pp. 36-45). After stating “that all matter is made up of atoms, yet atoms are too tiny to be seen with even the best microscopes” (p. 37s), the material goes on to ask how we can know that matter is made of atoms if we cannot see them. This leads into the mystery box activity (pp. 38-39s), in which students make various observations to learn about the contents of a sealed container. At the end of the activity, students are asked how the “activity might compare to the way scientists proposed the idea that all matter is made up of atoms” (suggested response: “The process is similar, but perhaps students have the advantage because the outer structure of their container is visible. They are able to make better observations than scientists are able to make with tiny atoms” [p. 39t]). However, the mystery box activity is less appropriate for giving students a sense of why scientists think matter is made up of atoms than about what is inside atoms. While a section on the structure of the atom follows the discussion of the activity, it is not linked to it.

In an activity in Using Energy, the material attempts to connect observations to the idea that greater temperature means greater molecular motion. However, the statement at the beginning of the activity misleads students. It reads: “In this activity, you will perform an experiment that will let you discover this relationship [between particle motion and temperature]” (p. 14s). Feeling the heat in a wire bent 15 times or in a wood block rubbed 50 times with sandpaper or measuring an increase in temperature when sand particles are jostled (pp. 14-15s) is unlikely to lead to the “discovery” of the relationship between temperature and molecular motion. Hence, students are more likely to be confused than convinced.


Statements about the kinetic molecular theory are distributed among two Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Science stand-alone textbooks: Changes in Matter and Using Energy. Teachers are not alerted to the distribution of the experiences provided for the key ideas, nor is a logic conveyed for the sequence of the experiences. Instead, a box in the Teacher's Planning Guide includes the following claims about the stand-alone units that make up this program: “Build your own curriculum and teach it in any order, assured that the science concepts will make sense to all students” (p. T8).

In general, students do not encounter the kinetic molecular theory in progressively higher levels of sophistication. On the contrary, ideas are used without being introduced explicitly, or they are repeated (rather than being returned to precisely or extended clearly to new contexts). For example, the presentation of changes of state in Changes in Matter (pp. 18-19s), relies on the idea that particles are in motion; however, this idea is not introduced specifically in this book. And Using Energy (pp. 36-39s) includes a section on phase changes without linking it to the very similar presentation of changes of state in Changes in Matter.

In both Using Energy and Changes in Matter, the kinetic molecular theory is connected to some related ideas. For example, the motion of atoms is associated with the idea that heat energy is in the disorderly motion of the atoms and with heat transfer by collisions of atoms.

In the introductory pages (pp. T8–T9) of the Teacher's Planning Guide, seven major themes (systems and interactions, scale and structure, stability, energy, evolution, patterns of change, and models) are linked to each unit in the program. A statement on page T8 claims that “Key concepts revolve around seven major themes so students experience and make sense of the connections in science.” The secondary theme used in Changes in Matter is scale and structure. However, the theme of scale and structure is not described, nor is it specified how the unit is connected to that particular theme. Hence, it is not clear how the material helps students to make sense of the connections in science. The feature “Theme Connection,” which appears in the teacher’s notes for each lesson, provides little guidance to teachers. For example, according to the Theme Connection that accompanies the section on changes of state in Changes in Matter: “The theme linking some important concepts in this unit is Scale and Structure. The behaviors of atoms and molecules in solids, liquids, and gases cannot be directly observed but they can be modeled using a clear jar three-quarters filled with plastic beads (or popcorn kernels) to represent water molecules” (p. 21t). This note is unlikely to help students’ comprehension in that it fails to specify both how the fact that the behaviors of solids, liquids, and gases cannot be observed directly but can be modeled relates to scale and structure, and how the behaviors of atoms and molecules in solids, liquids, and gases can be modeled using a clear jar three-quarters filled with plastic beads.

Beyond Literacy

In treating the kinetic molecular theory, Changes in Matter and Using Energy sometimes contain content that is not included in the science literacy recommendations of Benchmarks for Science Literacy (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993) and National Science Education Standards (National Research Council, 1996). For example, Lesson 2: Heat and Temperature in Using Energy discusses the Kelvin scale, the concept of absolute zero, and phase diagrams. In addition, the material sometimes includes content that, according to Benchmarks for Science Literacy and National Science Education Standards, would be more appropriate for high school students. For instance, Changes in Matter has a lesson on the structure of the atom (lesson 3) and goes beyond developing the simpler idea that there are attractive forces between molecules to examining the nature of the attractive forces.


The evaluation teams developed a summary assessment of the most common kinds of errors found in each of the three subject areas—physical science, Earth science, and life science. In this context, “errors” is taken to mean not only outright inaccuracies, but also those instances in which the material is very likely to lead to or support student misconceptions. Overall, inducement to misconstrue is the most serious problem of accuracy in the evaluated materials.

The evaluation teams’ collective findings, presented below, should be taken as having general applicability to all of the evaluated materials, not complete and specific applicability in toto to any one of them.

Identified errors occur most frequently in drawings and other diagrams. They take the form of representations that are likely to either give rise to or reinforce misconceptions commonly held by students. Following are physical science examples of the kinds of misleading illustrative materials of most concern to the evaluation teams:

  • Diagrams and drawings that show atoms or molecules of solids, liquids, and gases in colored backgrounds (for example, water molecules inside blue drop shapes) and that thereby can initiate or reinforce the misconception that particles are contained in solids, liquids, and gases, in contrast to the correct idea that substances consist of particles (with empty space between particles). This misconception may be further reinforced by the wording of diagram labels, such as “solid particles in solid water and water particles in liquid water” (emphasis added). Similarly, statements such as “explanations for what is inside things” may imply that matter contains particles (as well as other things), rather than that matter is made of particles.

  • Diagrams of solids (and occasionally liquids) that do not depict the motion of atoms or molecules can give rise to, or reinforce, the misconception that atoms or molecules of solids (or liquids) are still.

  • Diagrams that show molecules of liquids much farther apart than the molecules of solids are misleading; in most liquids, molecules are only a little farther apart.

  • Diagrams that show particles of a substance in the solid, liquid, and gaseous state in different colors can reinforce the erroneous idea that the particles themselves are different, not their arrangement and motion. Similarly, diagrams that show particles of a substance changing size as the substance changes state can give rise to the misconception that the molecules themselves change size, becoming larger when heated.

The use of imprecise of inaccurate language is problematic in text materials, not solely in illustrations. Specifically, language that does not maintain a clear distinction between substances and atoms or molecules can mislead students to attribute macroscopic properties or behavior (such as hardness, color or physical state) to individual atoms or molecules. For example, statements such as “the particles of perfume are moving farther apart as they change into a gas and diffuse throughout the air,” “write a story from the point of view of a particle in the solid phase as it melts and then evaporates,” and “draw what happens when the particles change state” (emphasis added) imply inaccurately that the particles themselves change state (melt, evaporate, etc.).