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Middle Grades Science Textbooks: A Benchmarks-Based Evaluation

BSCS Middle School Science & Technology: Diversity and Limits, Level B. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1999
Earth Science Life Science Physical Science

About this Evaluation Report
Content Analysis
Instructional Analysis
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material's content aligns with the specific key ideas that have been selected for use in the analysis.
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material develops an evidence-based argument in support of the key ideas, including whether the case presented is valid, comprehensible, and convincing.
[Explanation] This section examines whether the curriculum material makes connections (1) among the key ideas, (2) between the key ideas and their prerequisites, and (3) between the key ideas and other, related ideas.
[Explanation] This section notes whether the curriculum material presents any information that is more advanced than the set of key ideas, looking particularly at whether the “beyond literacy” information interrupts the presentation of the grade-appropriate information.
[Explanation] This section notes whether the curriculum material presents any information that contains errors, misleading statements, or statements that may reinforce commonly held student misconceptions.


Idea a: All matter is made up of particles called atoms and molecules (as opposed to being continuous or just including particles).
There is a content match. The idea that matter is made up of particles is an explicit learning goal of Diversity and Limits (level B) (p. 201t) and is presented in different contexts and in several locations in the student text. For instance, in Chapter 10: Using Scientific Models to Answer Questions, there is a brief description of the early ideas about the particulate nature of matter: "One idea that people keep coming back to was the notion that if you break materials up into smaller and smaller pieces, you eventually would find particles that you could not break apart" (p. 195s). Then, the text presents Democritus's explanation for what is inside things, "All materials are made up of very small objects called atoms. These atoms are the smallest things that exist" (p. 195s), and notes that "[s]cientists' current explanation for what is inside of materials is based on Democritus's explanation of the atom, but today it is more sophisticated" (p. 196s). The text goes on to elaborate that "[p]eople use different names to describe different types of particles, such as atoms, ions, and molecules. You probably will study types of particles in the future. For now just focus on the idea that things are made up of particles" (p. 196s).

Using this idea, students are asked to explain the evaporation of water from a solution that contains food coloring, the change of a balloon's circumference with a change in temperature, and the diffusion of food coloring in hot and cold water (pp. 201-205s). Then, the ideas that particles are in motion and that there are forces between the particles, are introduced, and students are asked to use the particle model to explain these phenomena again (pp. 206-208s). In the rest of chapter 10 and in Chapter 11: Using Models to Test and Predict, students are encouraged to use the particle model to help explain a variety of observations. In only some cases, either the Teacher's Edition or the student textbook refers explicitly to the idea that matter is made up of particles in the explanations given for these observations. For example, when students are asked to explain the diffusion of food coloring in hot and cold water, it is suggested that the teacher provide hints if the students are stuck: "Basically, according to the theory, food coloring is made of particles and so is water. When you put food coloring in water, the particles tend to mix" (emphasis added) (p. 207t). Or, in chapter 11, students use a medicine dropper to place drops of water on the surface of a penny. They count the drops until the first drop of water spills over the edge of the penny. After critiquing an alternative model for the phenomenon, students read the scientifically correct explanation that uses the idea that "[w]ater is composed of tiny particles that have forces that constantly attract each other" (p. 238s).

No attempt is made to contrast the atomic theory with naive theories (for example, that matter is continuous or that matter includes particles), as the key idea does.

Idea b: These particles are extremely small—far too small to see directly through a microscope.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea b shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): These particles are extremely small-far too small to see directly through a microscope.

Occasionally, the material refers to particles as small or tiny, but there are no activities or text that will help students appreciate that particles are extremely small. In one instance, the text notes:

Yes it is possible to observe large particles with an electron microscope, which provides evidence that materials are made of particles. We cannot see smaller particles, though, which makes it difficult to gather evidence about them. (p. 196s)

However, this statement is not made to stress the smallness of the particles, but rather as proof that indeed matter is made up of particles. However, unless students are familiar with the distinction between electron microscopes and light microscopes, they might miss the point. It would have been more helpful to explain that although the larger particles can be seen under an electron microscope, none of the particles are visible under a light microscope.

Idea c: Atoms and molecules are perpetually in motion.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea c shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): Atoms and molecules [particles] are perpetually in motion.

Although this key idea is a stated goal of Diversity and Limits, which stipulates that "students should understand that the particles in all materials are in constant motion" (p. 206t), the student text mentions only twice the idea that particles are in motion, and it does not state anywhere that the particles are perpetually in motion. In addition, although there are some activities that relate to the idea that particles move faster at higher temperatures and slower at lower temperatures, there are no activities that focus directly on the concept that atoms and molecules are perpetually in motion.

Idea d: Increased temperature means greater molecular motion, so most substances expand when heated.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea d shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): Increased temperature means greater molecular motion, so most substances [air] expand[s] when heated.

The teacher's notes explain that students should be able to use this key idea-that "increasing the temperature makes particles move faster"-to demonstrate their understanding of the learning goal that "particles in all materials are in constant motion" (p. 206t). The connection to the expansion of materials is not presented as a specific goal. Accordingly, there is a content match to the relationship between increased temperature and increased particle motion, but the connection to the expansion of materials is not made clear. The student text notes the connection between temperature and particle motion and compares the motion of particles in hot and cold water, hot and cold air, and warm and cold sheets of steel (pp. 206-207s). Students are asked to explain a variety of phenomena that can be accounted for with this idea, such as the different rates of diffusion of food coloring in hot and cold water, and the increased or decreased  circumference of a balloon when it is placed beside a heat source or crushed ice (pp. 203-205). Although the student text does not contain the explanations of these phenomena, the notes in the Teacher's Edition suggest that students are expected to use the idea that particles move faster at higher temperatures in their explanations (p. 206t). In the balloon-related activity, students are expected to connect the idea that increased temperature means increased particle motion to the expansion of  the air in the balloon (p. 207b). However, the text does not connect this idea to the expansion of any other substances (solids, liquids, or gases).

With respect to the connection between increased temperature and increased (particle) energy of motion, the explanations of several phenomena included in the background information (in the Teacher's Edition) relate the increased temperature to the increased kinetic energy of the substance's particles, as, for example, "Upon heating, most of the molecules found in air acquire more kinetic energy and begin to move more rapidly" (p. 191bt). However, as elaborated in the student text, the theory only talks about particles of hot water (hot air and cold steel) moving faster than particles of cold water (cold air and cold steel): "When particles move faster, the material gets hotter. When particles move slower, the material gets colder" (pp. 206-207s).

Idea e: There are differences in the arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules in solids, liquids, and gases. In solids, particles (1) are packed closely, (2) are (often) arranged regularly, (3) vibrate in all directions, (4) attract and “stick to” one another. In liquids, particles (1) are packed closely, (2) are not arranged regularly, (3) can slide past one another, (4) attract and are connected loosely to one another. In gases, particles (1) are far apart, (2) are arranged randomly, (3) spread evenly through the spaces they occupy, (4) move in all directions, (5) are free of one another, except during collisions.

There is a partial match. The following presentation of Idea e shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): There are differences in the arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules in solids, liquids, and gases. In solids, particles (1) are packed closely, (2) are (often) arranged regularly, (3) vibrate in all directions, (4) attract and "stick to" one another. In liquids, particles (1) are packed closely, (2) are not arranged regularly, (3) can slide past one another, (4) attract and are connected loosely to one another. In gases, particles (1) are far apart, (2) are arranged randomly, (3) spread evenly through the spaces they occupy, (4) move in all directions, (5) are free of one another, except during collisions.

The teacher's notes present as explicit goals that students understand "that there is a force of attraction between all particles of matter" (p. 208t), and "that extending the particle theory to include the arrangement of and interaction among particles helps improve our explanations for the behavior of matter" (p. 216t). The force of attraction between particles of matter is addressed, but not the arrangement of particles. In particular, there is a content match to the idea that there are forces among particles, and no match to the different arrangement and motion of particles in solids, liquids, and gases.

The idea that there are forces among particles is mentioned several times in the student textbook (e.g., pp. 206s, 216s, 218s). However, the focus is on the forces of attraction among particles in liquids. Students are asked to explain surface tension phenomena that demonstrate the cohesive forces holding water particles together (pp. 236-240s). In addition, when students are asked to explain phenomena in which water evaporates, the Teacher's Edition ties explanations of these phenomena to the idea that forces among water particles are overcome when the particles move faster. There are no activities that demonstrate the forces between particles in solids or that illustrate the different strengths of attraction among particles in solids, liquids, and gases. However, the student text does mention once that "forces are stronger in solids than they are in liquids. In a gas, the forces are even weaker" (p. 206s).

The student text mentions that "[o]ne improve the particle model is to specify how the particles are arranged and how they interact with one another" (p. 216s), and that "[n]ow you know several parts of the particle model: particles in different materials are uniquely arranged and have unique interactions" (p. 218s). However, there are neither text nor activities to support this statement. The only place where the different arrangement of particles is addressed specifically is in Patterns of Change (level A), where, in the context of discussing the water cycle, the text mentions in passing that particles are farther apart in a gas and closer together in a liquid (level A, p. 253s).

Idea f: Changes of state—melting, freezing, evaporating, condensing—can be explained in terms of changes in the arrangement, interaction, and motion of atoms and molecules.

There is a partial content match. The following presentation of Idea f shows which parts of the idea are treated (in bold) and what alternative vocabulary, if any, is used (in brackets): Changes of state-melting, freezing, evaporating, condensing-can be explained in terms of changes in the arrangement, interaction, and motion of [particles] atoms and molecules.

In Patterns of Change (level A), the student text describes evaporation and condensation in terms of water particles moving into, and out of, respectively, the air and the atmosphere, but not in terms of changes in the arrangement, interaction, and motion of particles (level A, pp. 238-253s.)

In Diversity and Limits (level B), students observe the evaporation of water from a water-food-coloring solution (p. 202s). Students are asked to explain the phenomenon using the particle model. The Teacher's Edition ties the evaporation of water to the idea that increased temperature means increased particle motion and to the idea of forces between particles of liquids (p. 207at). Later, students are asked to explain a phenomenon that involves both the evaporation and condensation of water using the particle model. However, they may or may not explain the phenomenon in terms of the arrangement, interaction, and motion of particles. The teacher's notes merely state: "You can expect the students to at least try to include something about particles moving faster at higher temperatures and slower at lower temperatures" (p. 210t).

Building a Case

In Diversity and Limits (level B), Unit 2: Why Are Things Different? has two goals. It explores the development and use of scientific models and introduces the particle theory of matter. Specifically, this unit attempts to illustrate the kinds of processes scientists use to validate the particle model, provide evidence for the particle theory, and engage students in validating the particle model. These factors are likely to lead students (and teachers) to think that the unit is building a case for the particulate ideas, although nothing in the Teacher's Edition explicitly makes this claim or states that this is the intent. However, the sketchy presentation of evidence for the particle model and the misrepresentation of the nature of science in unit 2 make it doubtful that either of these goals will be achieved by students. It is unlikely that the unit will enable students to understand and support the particle model with evidence, explain that it is scientifically valid, or explain "how we know" that matter is particulate.

In Chapter 10: Using Scientific Models to Answer Questions, students are to determine the contents of a mystery box (which they never see directly) by gathering evidence indirectly. The student text compares, and asks students to compare, the processes they use in the Mystery Box activity with the processes scientists use to validate the particle model (pp. 192s, 196-198s, 241s [question 2], 241at [response to question 2]). Reference is made to the fact that scientists have gathered abundant evidence in support of the particle model, but that evidence is not developed or presented in any meaningful way in the student text. For instance, the Rutherford scattering experiment is presented in such sketchy detail that students would be unable to weigh or interpret the evidence (pp. 197-198s). Moreover, Rutherford's experiment (which indicated that there was space within atoms) is used to support the case for there being space between atoms:

Firing marbles at an unseen target is similar to experiments that scientists conduct today to learn about particles. They fire small particles at materials to see what happens. What happens to those particles is consistent with the idea that the material itself is made of small particles. Some of the fired particles pass through the material, which means there might be empty space in the material. Some of the fired particles bounce off at angles (a few even bounce straight back) which means there are solid parts to the material. So without ever being able to see the materials directly, we can conclude something about the characteristics of the materials-that they are made of particles with spaces between them.
Of course the actual experiments that scientists conduct are not quite as simple as firing marbles at a hidden target. The particles that scientists fire at materials are themselves too small to see. Then how do scientists know that that they are really firing particles at the materials? They know because the results of such experiments are consistent with the evidence they have gained from other experiments. In these other experiments, they have burned, weighed, smashed and dissolved materials. They have determined how materials respond to electricity and magnets. The one thing they cannot do is look directly inside a material to see whether or not it is really made up of particles. Yet the results of all the experiments scientists can do are consistent with the idea that materials are made up of particles.[pp. 197s-198s]

The student text introduces a definition of what makes models scientific: "[M]odels are not considered scientific models unless they can explain many, if not all, of the observations that scientists make when conducting related investigations" (p. 200s). Then, students are asked to use the idea that "matter is made of particles" to explain three phenomena (relating to evaporation of water, thermal expansion of gases, and increased rate of diffusion at higher temperatures). Based on this, students are asked to decide how scientific the particle model is: "If you can explain all of your observations using the particle model, then you are verifying that the particle model is a valid scientific model"  (p. 201s).

This is a limited criterion for determining the validity of scientific models (and hence the validity the particle model), in that it does not encompass such issues as examining whether the model fits well with other models, whether it predicts new observations, and how it compares with other explanations of the same observation. (In chapter 11, the material corrects this narrow premise by introducing the idea of predictive power in the Gloop Activity [pp. 218-224] and then by including a section on the falsifiability of scientific models [pp. 224-230]. However, by this point in the text, most of the activities regarding "particle" ideas have been completed under the faulty premise and are not reconsidered in light of these new criteria.) The activity also suggests, inappropriately, that one can verify that the particle model is a valid scientific model based on such a small number and variety of observations.

Further, the material asks students to explain complex phenomena such as evaporation without their modeling explanations of simpler phenomena and before they have been introduced to aspects of the model (such as particle motion and forces holding particles together) that are necessary to explain these phenomena. This approach risks students concluding that the particle model is not a scientific model because they cannot explain the observations using the model. Although students are asked to revise their explanations of these phenomena after they have been introduced to the relevant aspects of the model, they are not asked to reevaluate the validity of the particle model at that time (p. 207s). Even if they were and did so, the approach would still inaccurately represent the scientific process. A logical sequence should show that the model has success in explaining some phenomena before showing that it cannot explain other phenomena; otherwise, why revise (p. 205t) and not discard the model?


Chapter 10: Using Scientific Models to Answer Questions and Chapter 11: Using Models to Test and Predict build up to the particle model by giving students pieces of it over time, thus appearing to provide a sequence of encounters with the key ideas that grow in complexity. However, the phenomena that students are asked to relate to the particle model are quite complex from the beginning. For example, in chapter 10, the first phenomenon students are asked to explain involves the evaporation of water from a water-food-coloring solution (pp. 202s, 206−207s).

Although students are asked repeatedly to use the particle model to explain a variety of observations, no explanations are presented in the student text, and the teacher's notes often point out that "[w]hat the teams come up with is not nearly as important as the process they use. Did they base their predictions on their models? Did they appropriately revise their models to account for new observations?" (pp. 221-222t). As a result, although students could tie together these experiences to the key ideas, the textbook does not tie them together for the students, nor does it instruct the teacher to do so.

Ancient explanations for properties of matter are described in some detail (for example, there are several examples of definitions using the Greeks' four elements: air, earth, fire, and water [pp. 186-188s]). However, these ancient explanations are never connected to the key ideas in terms of how they are similar and how they differ.

A strong connection is made between the key ideas and the role of models in science. For example, the teacher's notes state that "[t]his chapter begins a unit that will focus on the importance and use of scientific models. We use the particle theory of matter as a vehicle for students to study the development and use of scientific models." (p. 163at). However, as noted above, because of the equal or greater emphasis on building and testing models, there is the risk of some teachers and students losing sight of the particle theory of matter. So, although the connection is strong, it may work against students' understanding of the kinetic molecular theory. (This view was not shared by one of the review teams, which observed: "Particularly well done are the connections to ancient explanations for the properties of matter and to the concept of a scientific model. The material intentionally restricts connections to many relevant ideas and perhaps is overly restrictive.")

Beyond Literacy

In presenting the kinetic molecular theory, the material rarely goes beyond the key ideas. However, its emphasis on the cohesive forces between water particles and the phenomenon of surface tension (most of the phenomena presented in Chapter 11: Using Models to Test and Predict deal with this concept) goes beyond science literacy. Both Benchmarks for Science Literacy (American Association for the Advancement of  Science, 1993) and National Science Education Standards (National Research Council, 1996) emphasize differences in the arrangement, motion, and interaction of particles of solids, liquids, and gases, rather than cohesive forces and surface tension.


The evaluation teams developed a summary assessment of the most common kinds of errors found in each of the three subject areas-physical science, Earth science, and life science. In this context, "errors" is taken to mean not only outright inaccuracies, but also those instances in which the material is very likely to lead to or support student misconceptions. Overall, inducement to misconstrue is the most serious problem of accuracy in the evaluated materials.

The evaluation teams' collective findings, presented below, should be taken as having general applicability to all of the evaluated materials, not complete and specific applicability in toto to any one of them.

Identified errors occur most frequently in drawings and other diagrams. They take the form of representations that are likely to either give rise to or reinforce misconceptions commonly held by students. Following are physical science examples of the kinds of misleading illustrative materials of most concern to the evaluation teams:

  • Diagrams and drawings that show atoms or molecules of solids, liquids, and gases in colored backgrounds (for example, water molecules inside blue drop shapes) and that thereby can initiate or reinforce the misconception that particles are contained in solids, liquids, and gases, in contrast to the correct idea that substances consist of particles (with empty space between particles). This misconception may be further reinforced by the wording of diagram labels, such as "solid particles in solid water and water particles in liquid water" (emphasis added). Similarly, statements such as "explanations for what is inside things" may imply that matter contains particles (as well as other things), rather than that matter is made of particles.

  • Diagrams of solids (and occasionally liquids) that do not depict the motion of atoms or molecules can give rise to, or reinforce, the misconception that atoms or molecules of solids (or liquids) are still.

  • Diagrams that show molecules of liquids much farther apart than the molecules of solids are misleading; in most liquids, molecules are only a little farther apart.

  • Diagrams that show particles of a substance in the solid, liquid, and gaseous state in different colors can reinforce the erroneous idea that the particles themselves are different, not their arrangement and motion. Similarly, diagrams that show particles of a substance changing size as the substance changes state can give rise to the misconception that the molecules themselves change size, becoming larger when heated.

The use of imprecise or inaccurate language is problematic in text materials, as well as in illustrations. Specifically, language that does not maintain a clear distinction between substances and atoms or molecules can mislead students to attribute macroscopic properties or behavior (such as hardness, color or physical state) to individual atoms or molecules. For example, statements such as "the particles of perfume are moving farther apart as they change into a gas and diffuse throughout the air," "write a story from the point of view of a particle in the solid phase as it melts and them evaporates," and "draw what happens when the particles change state" (emphasis added) imply inaccurately that the particles themselves change state (melt, evaporate, etc.).