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Middle Grades Mathematics Textbooks

A Benchmarks-Based Evaluation

Transition Mathematics

Authors: Zalman Usiskin, Cathy Hynes Feldman, Suzanne Davis, Sharon Mallo, Gladys Sanders, David Witonsky, James Flanders, Lydia Polonsky, Susan Porter, and Steven S. Viktora
Publisher: ScottForesman
Edition: 1995
Grade Level/ Format: This material consists of one text designed for grades 6–9 to be used at one of these grade levels depending on the ability of the students.
Activities: In a typical chapter, students begin with an overview of chapter objectives, read a commentary on the topic of the lesson and examine related examples and illustrations, and work through a series of lessons related to the chapter topic. In each lesson, students (1) read through an explanation or demonstration of the mathematics concepts or skills, (2) do guided practice in the form of answering questions about the mathematics, and (3) work through independent practice exercises, including review and extension exercises.
Assessment: Assessment includes warm-ups, additional examples, guided and independent practice, and practice worksheets in each lesson. Formal assessments include quizzes and chapter tests. Other tools for assessment include progress self-test questions, chapter reviews, end-of-unit projects, and optional activities.
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