Algebra Textbooks Evaluation


Algebra 1: Explorations and Applications

Available Charts:   Typical Sightings
Summary of Instructional Analysis Ratings
Authors:   Miriam A. Leiva, Richard G. Brown, Loring Coes III, Shirley Frazier Cooper, Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Amy T. Herman, Patick W. Hopfensperger, Celia
Lazarski, Stuart J. Murphy, Anthony Scott, Marvin S. Weingarden
Publisher:   McDougal Littell Inc.
Edition:   1998
Subject Area:   Algebra
Grade Level/ Format:   This textbook is appropriate for grades 8-10. The
text consists of 12 chapters.
Activities:   In a typical chapter, students read an
interview about an individual who uses mathematics
in his or her daily career, then answer questions regarding the interview. In each lesson/section, students (1) read about mathematical situations that relate to the interview, which include modeling examples of the concept/skills; and (2) review their ideas about the lesson's objective(s) by answering questions related to the key concepts/skills of the lesson and completing a set of problems. Some lessons/sections may also include at least one or all of the following question sections: Think and Communicate (probes students thinking), Cooperative Learning (a group activity), and Connection (an activity that applies the math to real-world contexts). Each chapter ends with a portfolio project, chapter review, and chapter assessment.
Assessment:   Assessments include cooperative learning
activities, open-ended problems, journal writing, portfolio projects, and self assessment tasks. Chapters include chapter assessments that include vocabulary questions, sets of problems, and performance tasks. The text has cumulative assessments covering several chapters. The teacher's Assessment Book consists of chapter tests, short quizzes, cumulative tests, and performance-based tasks.
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Continued: Algebra 1: Integration, Applications, Connections