Project 2061
Algebra Textbooks
A Standards-Based Evaluation

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Background Information

Authors: John W. McConnell, Susan Brown, Zalman Usiskin, Sharon L. Senk, Ted Widerski, Scott Anderson, Susan Eddins, Cathy Hynes Feldman, James Flanders, Margaret Hackworth, Daniel Hirschhorn, Lydia Polonsky, Leroy Sachs, Ernest Woodward.
Publisher: Scott, Foresman and Company
Edition: 1998
Subject Area: Algebra
Grade Level/Format: This textbook is appropriate for grades 7-10, to be used at one of these grade levels depending on the ability of the students. It consists of 13 chapters.
Time Frame: All lessons in this book are designed to be covered in one class period. Each chapter takes 11 to 17 days to complete.
Main Topics:
  • Uses of Variables
  • Multiplication in Algebra
  • Addition in Algebra
  • Subtraction in Algebra
  • Linear Sentences
  • Division in Algebra
  • Slopes and Lines
  • Exponents and Powers
  • Quadratic Equations and Square Roots
  • Polynomials
  • Linear Systems
  • Factoring
  • Functions
Activities: In a typical chapter, students read a list of lessons and a contextual situation related to the topic of the chapter. In each lesson, students (1) read commentary and explanations about the math concepts or skills; (2) answer questions related to the introduction of the lesson and apply and review knowledge about the concept or skill in a variety of problem sets. At the end of each chapter, students are provided with project options related to the topic of the chapter. Summary and vocabulary sections provide an overview of the key concepts and skills and list the relevant terms explored in the chapter. A progress self-test is provided for the students to gain feedback. The chapter review promotes student awareness of the skills, properties, uses, and representations of the math ideas introduced in the chapter. The refresher section offers a set of problems that may be used by the teacher for students who are weak in a particular area.
Assessment: Assessments are found in the teacher's Assessment Sourcebook that includes quizzes, free-response tests (Forms A and B), and open-ended performance tests (Forms C and D). Form C assesses understanding of the concepts/skills and the ability to interpret, make generalizations, and communicate ideas about the math. Form D assesses student abilities in larger mathematical tasks. There is also a cumulative test for each chapter and comprehensive tests after Chapters 3, 6, 9, and 13. The Assessment Sourcebook includes resources for portfolios, problem-solving, cooperative-group assessment, and self-assessment.
Cost: Student edition: $47.47
  Teacher's edition: $67.47
CREDIBILITY Following are references for reports on UCSMP Algebra. Please check the web site for further information about additional evaluations and reviews.
NCTM Standards Analysis: American Association for the Advancement of Science. (2000). Algebra textbooks: A standards-based evaluation. Washington, D.C.: Author.
Reviews: U.S. Department of Education. (1999). Exemplary and promising mathematics programs. Washington, DC: Author.


Copyright © 2002 American Association for the Advancement of Science