Table of Contents for The World of Microbes

1. Leeuwenhoek Discovers a New Galaxy of Organisms 1
2. The Microbial Kingdom Has Many Subjects 9
3. Some Microbes Prefer Life Without Air 13
4. Important Molecules in Microbes, Plants, and Animals 19
5. How Microbes are Isolated and Identified 33
6. The Care and Feeding of Microbes 45
7. Hardy Survivors in the Microbial Kingdom 53
8. Microbes and the Carbon Cycle 62
9. Bacteria That Produce and Use Methane 72
10. Microbes Recycle Nitrogen 82
11. Bacteria Spin the Sulfur Cycle 91
12. An Amazing Diversity of Lifestyles 95
13. Bioenergetics: "Energy Currency" 116
14. The Role of Vitamins 129
15. Microbes and Sewage Treatment 135
16. Plagues and the Origin of the Germ Theory of Disease 144
17. Three Giants of Infectious Disease Research: Pasteur, Koch, and Jenner 153
18. Mechanisms of Immunity 161
19. Viruses Confound Microbe Hunters 175
20. The Control of Microbial Disease 181
21. The Role of DNA and New Vistas in Microbial Technology 187
22. Coda: Microbes and Early Life on Earth 207
Appendix I
How Leeuwenhoek Estimated the Sizes of Microbes 212
Appendix II
Microbes in the American Type Culture Collection 215
Appendix III
Microbes in Early Science Fiction 217
Appendix IV
The Ingenious Use of Microbiology Under Adverse Conditions 222
Who's Who in This Book 228
Suggestions for Further Reading 232
Glossary 236
Credits and Acknowledgments 241
Index 243