Table of Contents for The Body

Foreword 1
1 Introduction 4
2 Evolution 7
The origin of life / The fossil record / Mammals / Primates / Man
3 Race 17
Racism / Racial classifications / Jews / Negroes / Brain size / Superiority / Purity / A biological necessity? / The scientific conclusions
4 Population 30
Past / Present / Future / Urbanisation / Immigration / Prediction
5 An Apologia for Reproduction 39
6 The Male 44
Means of sperm transfer / The penis / Potency / Aphrodisiacs / Spermatozoa / Testicles / Ejaculation / Sperm prints / Nomenclature / Mating time / Sexual offences / Homosexuality / Castration / Circumcision
7 The Female 66
Anatomy / Oestrus / Ovulation / Menstruation / Sex determination / Virgin birth / Menopause and the change / Circumcision
8 Fertility 81
The infertile couple / Artificial Reproduction / The case of the 'strange males' / Age, ardour, mood
9 Contraception 89
Historical ideas / The birth controllers / Religious opinion / The modern situation / The pill / I.U.D.'s / Sterilisation
10 Marriage 103
11 Pregnancy 108
The signs / The tests / Embryology / Fertilisation / Ectopic pregnancies / Implantation / Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm / The calendar of a pregnancy / The puzzles of pregnancy / Its normality / Pica / The placenta / The umbilical cord / Evolutionary parallels / The foetus and the law / Abortion
12 The Time Before Birth 142
Gestation length / Legal pregnancies / Animal pregnancies / Labour / First, second and third stages / Presentation / Uterine crying
13 Birth 152
The history of midwifery / The Chamberlen family and forceps / Caesarians / Anaesthesia / Home or hospital / How long a stay / Maternal death / Semmelweiss and puerperal fever / Infant mortality / Infanticide / The sex ratio / The baby 's weight / Prematurity / The puerperineum / Paternal labour / Ergot / Who has babies
14 Lactation 187
Human milk / Breast-feeding / The price of milk / Polythelia / Keeping abreast / Weaning / Twins and Abnormalities Occurrence of twins / Their value / Multiple births / Twin diagnosis / Conjoined twins / Proof of separation / Why twins at all / Congenital malformations / Their registration / The principal afflictions / German measles / Contergan and Distaval / The cause of malformations / 'Maternal impressions'
16 Inheritance 196
Its background / Chromosomes / Coding / Mutations / Intersexes / Inherent traits / Haemophilia / Tasters / The Hapsburg lip / Albinism / Height / Colour / Baldness / Colour blindness
17 Inbreeding 222
The churches' attitudes / Cousin marriages / Forbidden matings / Effects of inbreeding / Incest / Genetic recessives
18 Blood Groups 251
Karl Landsteiner / Transfusions / Blood group distribution / Group advantages / How many groups / Rhesus / Paternity and the courts
19 The Growth of Babies 261
The rate of growth / Survival / Cot-deaths / Battered babies / Developmental progress / First reflexes / Changes in lungs, brain, sleep, skeleton, muscle, fat, heart, kidneys / Spock / Swaddling / Child law
20 Puberty 272
21 Size 294
22 Physical Ability 298
Fitness / Athletics / Somatotyping / Man versus woman / The future
23 Old Age 309
What is senescence / How long is life / Record old age / Animal comparisons / Changes in the old / Their causes
24 Death 320
When is death / The signs of death / Its causes / Its secrecy
25 Suicide 328
Society's attitudes / Suicide history / Who kill themselves / Rates elsewhere / Students / Children / Methods / Suicide and murder
26 The Brain 336
Animal and human / Anatomy / The cerebrum, and its lobes / Left-sided dominance / Sinistrals / Intelligence / The EEG / Surgery / Palsy / Concussion / Memory / Nerves, cranial and spinal / Transmission
27 Sleep 351
28 Speech 358
29 Temperature 365
Normal / Why warm bodies / Chilling / Heat / Hibernation / Hypothermia
30 The Senses 376
Background to vision / The eye / Folds, lashes, brows and tears / Reading / Colour blindness / Focussing errors / Blindness / Hearing and balance / Deafness / Smelling and smells / Tasting and tastes / Touch, pain and itch / The sixth sense
31 The Skin 402
Dermis and epidermis / Skin patterns and prints / Sunbathing / Tattooing / Beauty / Hair / Lanugo and vellus / Bristles and soap / Teeth, deciduous and permanent / Decay / Cleaning and fluoride
32 Digestion and Nutrition 416
Summary / Enzymes / Food / Actual requirements / Protein / Fats / Carbohydrates / Minerals / Vitamins / Water / How much food / Obesity / Starvation / Cooking / Food poisoning
33 The Alimentary Canal 456
Beaumont's window / The stomach / Acidity / Ulcers / Vomit / Intestines / Appendix / Liver / Pancreas / Spleen
34 Excretion 472
Its evolution / The kidneys / Urine / The bladder
35 Respiration and Blood 480
Smaller solutions / The need for a system / The lungs / Breathing / Its control / Altitude / Drown in g / Pollution / Choking, coughing, sneezing / Laughing, yawning, hiccups / Oxygen, excess and lack / The heart / Harvey and Galen / One pump into two / Heartbeat / Blood pressure / Its changes / Blood distribution / The pull of gravity / Blood; red, white and platelets / Plasma / Blood-letting / Blood-giving
36 Skeleton and Muscle 502
The bone total / Development / Growth / Sex differences / Dual function of bone / Framework and minerals / The hand / The muscle total / All or none / The working of muscle / A.T.P. and A.D.P. / Cramp, stiffness and stitch
37 Radiation 513
Ionising radiation / Its effects / Death and injury / Safe levels / Fallout / Sensing radiation / A glossary
38 Postscript 526
Index 529