Table of Contents for A History of the Sciences

Acknowledgements 8
1. Introduction 11
Part One / Ancient Science
2. Science in the Ancient Civilizations of Babylonia and Egypt 15
3. The Natural Philosophies of the Pre-Socratic Greeks 25
4. Natural Philosophy in Athens 35
5. Greek Science of the Alexandrian Period 48
6. Rome and the Decline of Ancient Science 61
Part Two / Science in the Orient and Medieval Europe
7. The Science and Technology of the Chinese 73
8. The Science of India 89
9. Science and Technology in the Muslim World 95
10. Technology and the Craft Tradition in Medieval Europe 103
11. The Scholarly Tradition During the Middle Ages 112
Part Three / The Scientific Revolution of the Sixteenth ad Seventeenth Centuries
12. The Copernican System of the World 127
13. Gilbert, Bacon, and the Experimental Method 138
14. Galileo and the Science of Mechanics 148
15. Descartes: The Mathematical Method and the Mechanical Philosophy 165
16. The Scientific Revolution and the Protestant Reformation 175
17. The Theory of Universal Gravitation 192
18. Optics During the Seventeenth Century 208
19. Medicine, and the Theory of the Circulation of the Blood 214
20. From Alchemy to Medical Chemistry 227
21. Some Early Modern Applications of Science 243
22. The Scientific Societies of the Seventeenth Century 256
Part Four / Eighteenth-Century Science: The Development of National Scientific Traditions
23. The Application of Science During the Eighteenth Century 269
24. The Background to Eighteenth-Century Science 279
25. Astronomy, and the Newtonian Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century 289
26. The Phlogiston Theory and the Chemical Revolution 302
27. The Idea of Progress in the Mechanical World of the Eighteenth Century 314
28. Evolution, and the Great Chain of Beings 331
29. German Nature-Philosophy 349
30. Embryology: The Development of Individual Organisms 363
31. The Structure and Function of Living Organisms 374
32. The Cell Theory 387
Part Five / The Science of the Nineteenth Century: The Agent of Industrial and Intellectual Change
33. The Development of Geology 395
34. Theories of the Evolution of the Species During the Nineteenth Century 412
35. Scientific Institutions in France and Britain During the Nineteenth Century 435
36. Chemistry and the Atomic Theory of Matter 449
37. The Wave Theory of Light 468
38. The Development of Electricity and Magnetism 474
39. Thermodynamics: The Science of Energy Changes 486
40. Science and Engineering 503
41. The Applications of Chemistry and Microbiology 513
Part Six / Twentieth-Century Science: New Fields and New Powers
42. Some Aspects of Modern Biology 529
43. The Theory of Relativity 541
44. The Quantum Theory and the Structure of the Atom 549
45. Astrophysics and Theories of World Structure 564
46. Science and the National Movements in Italy and Germany 578
47. Some Aspects of American and Soviet Science 589
48. Science and History 599
Bibliography 607
Index 619