Table of Contents for Charles Darwin: Evolution of a Naturalist

Photo Credits xi
Acknowledgments xiii
Foreword by Dr. James A. Moore xv
1. A "Good for Nothing" Son 1
2. "A Useless Undertaking" 15
3. Painted Savages and Giant Tortoises 25
4. Of Brides and Barnacles 43
5. A Theory by Which to Work 51
6. Scooped by a Rival 58
7. The Origin of Species 69
8. The Darwin Gang: Convincing the World 79
9. Orchids, Peacocks, and Ape-men 97
10. Ghostbusters: Naturalists and the Supernatural 107
11. The Tangled Bank 123
12. Epilogue: The Survival of Charles Darwin 131
Glossary 135
Further Reading 141
Index 149