Discovery of Time

Discovery of Time
by Stephen Toulmin and June Goodfield

HarperCollins Publishers


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Any comprehensive course on the history of science would be well served by the three books by Stephen Toulmin and June Goodfield: The Fabric of the Heavens (1961), The Architecture of Matter (1962), and The Discovery of Time (1965). These were planned as parts of a four-volume series on "The Ancestry of Science" but the fourth volume never appeared. The Architecture of Matter and The Discovery of Time cover most of the history of nineteenth-century science, picking up some themes in chemistry, geology, and biology from earlier periods and following them through to a conclusion in the twentieth century; The Discovery of Time also has some excellent chapters on attitudes toward and writing of history in general. The organization of topics is unusual but has its own logic; the integration of scientific concepts with ideas from philosophy and history yields a coherent narrative that is both readable and sophisticated.

--Brush, Stephen G. 1988. The history of modern science: a guide to the second scientific revolution. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, p. 22.