Ascent of Man

The Ascent of Man
by Jacob Bronowski

Little Brown & Company, Inc.
Bibliography; Index


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The author of The Identity of Man (Book Review Digest 1966) presents thirteen essays on the development of science derived from a BBC television series scheduled to be shown in the United States. Bronowski, taking off from Charles Darwin's The Descent of Man, describes the highpoints in man's search to understand and control nature from prehistory to the present.

--Book Review Digest (1974).

--Reviewed by Nina Franco in Best Seller, 34/115 (June 1 1974). (From Book Review Digest, 1974).

"This book could have been written only by Jacob Bronowski, for few have a vision that is at once extensive and intensive and that brings together the talents of mathematician, statistician, historian, teacher, inventor, and poet. Bronowski recites in a fluent and pleasant style the scientific and intellectual history of Man--a history that reveals Man as unique among the animal species. This is an informal account of Man's search to understand Nature, and it is the human qualities of thought and imagination that have led Man to analyze the physical world....The book is beautifully illustrated in both black and white and in color. The bibliography names what every academic should have read. This book must be in every library: academic and public. It should be required reading in high schools and universities."

--Choice, 11 (July/August 1974), p.782. (From Book Review Digest, 1974).

--Reviewed by R. C. Cowen in Christian Science Monitor, (June 25 1974), p. [Fl]. (From Book Review Digest, 1974).