Available Tools, Option B:
Charting Pathways to Reform

Estimated Time: 15 minutes.

Example of Use: Sample 1.5-Day Workshop Agenda

List of Materials

Sample Presentation
TRANSPARENCY: Reforming the Education System.

Presenter: The purpose of this activity is to examine how Project 2061’s vision of science literacy for all fits into the larger context of education reform. We will consider the implications of goals-based reform for curriculum and instruction.

Like many reform projects, Project 2061 believes that true reform requires paying attention to all aspects of the education system. We should consider how we can serve the needs of ALL students, what kinds of teachers we will need and how they should be educated, how schools can be organized, what kinds of materials and technologies are needed, how all of this can be paid for, and so forth. Groups have been commissioned to study the implications of Project 2061’s recommendations for each aspect of the system. What distinguishes Project 2061 from many other projects is its intense commitment to learning goals as the basis for reform—in other words, recommendations for changing various aspects of the education system should focus on what it will take to produce science literate high school graduates.  

TRANSPARENCY: SFAA, Benchmarks, and Benchmarks on Disk Covers.

Presenter: Nearly 10 years ago, Project 2061 took the position that reform in science, mathematics, and technology education should start by clarifying what high school graduates should know and be able to do. The Project has since produced a coherent set of learning goals for high school graduates in Science for All Americans and for students by the end of grades 2, 5, 8, and 12 in Benchmarks for Science Literacy. Project 2061 is developing additional reform tools, which I’ll tell you about later. But for districts like yours that are committed to graduating students who are science literate, how can Science for All Americans and Benchmarks be of help?  

TRANSPARENCY: Pathways to K-12 Curriculum Reform.

Presenter: This figure shows pathways that schools or school districts might take on their way to goal-oriented reform. Let us assume that

Although a group isn’t likely to proceed linearly through the decisions in the flowchart, Project 2061 believes that some questions should be considered before others. For example, Project 2061 has argued that agreement on learning goals (or on the importance of having a common set of learning goals) should precede consideration of means. Similarly, consideration of how well an existing curriculum matches learning goals should inform decisions about curriculum revisions.  

Point to each box as you discuss.

A final but important question is not shown on the flowchart. It relates to many of the boxes. Note: Distribute the handouts at the end of this presentation or at the end of the workshop.