What Participants Know, Option C:
Diagram of Who Knows What
Estimated Time: 10 minutes throughout workshop.
Example of Use: Sample 1.5-Day Workshop Agenda.
List of Materials

Sample Presentation

: Familiarity with Project 2061 Tools.

Presenter: The purpose of this activity is to determine how much we may already know about Science for All Americans and Benchmarks for Science Literacy. Working in small groups, indicate on the diagram your familiarity with SFAA and Benchmarks.

Tell participants to place their stickers in the part of the diagram that indicates they are familiar with SFAA only; in the Benchmarks section, with Benchmarks only; in the overlapping area, with both SFAA and Benchmarks. Ask one member of each group to report findings.

    Alternatively, if the workshop involves the analysis of a curriculum material —

Show TRANSPARENCY: Familiarity with Curriculum and Project 2061 Tools instead.

Presenter: Working in small groups, indicate on the diagram your familiarity with SFAA, Benchmarks, and [name of the curriculum material].

Tell participants to place their stickers in the part of the diagram that indicates they are familiar with SFAA only; Benchmarks only; SFAA and Benchmarks; SFAA and the curriculum material; Benchmarks curriculum material only; or SFAA, Benchmarks, and the curriculum material.

Ask one member of each group to report findings.