To Analyze Instruction, Option C:
Instruction Aimed at Benchmark 3C, Issues in Technology (3-5)#5

Estimated Time: 3.5 hours.

Overview: Participants study parts of Science for All Americans and Benchmarks for Science Literacy to enhance their understanding of the intent of Benchmark 3C Issues in Technology (3-5)#5:

Technologies often have drawbacks as well as benefits. A technology that helps some people or organisms may hurt others—either deliberately (as weapons can) or inadvertently (as pesticides can). When harm occurs or seems likely, choices have to be made or new solutions found. Participants then read several scenarios describing instruction and evaluate how effectively the instruction addresses the benchmark. If time permits, participants consider how the instruction could be improved to address the benchmark more effectively.

This option is particularly well suited for interdisciplinary groups, such as elementary or K-12 groups that include teachers of science, social studies, and technology. The scenarios give participants an opportunity to apply their understanding of the benchmark to analyzing and improving instruction.

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