NSES Content Standard F  
Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Personal health 
Grades K-4, page 140 

Safety and security are basic needs of humans. Safety involves freedom from danger, risk, or injury. Security includes feelings of confidence and lack of anxiety and fear. Student understandings include following safety rules for home and school, preventing abuse and neglect, avoiding injury, knowing whom to ask for help, and when and how to say no. 

Benchmark 6F The Human Organism: Mental Health
Grades K-2, page 148
Talking to someone (a friend, relative, teacher, or counselor) may help people understand their feelings and problems and what to do about them.

Benchmark 6F The Human Organism: Mental Health
Grades 3-5, page 148
One way to respond to a strong feeling, either pleasant or unpleasant, is to think about what caused it and then consider whether to seek out or avoid similar situations.