NSES Content Standard B 
Physical Science: Structure of atoms
Grades 9-12, page 178

The nuclear forces that hold the nucleus of an atom together, at nuclear distances, are usually stronger than the electric forces that would make it fly apart. Nuclear reactions convert a fraction of the mass of interacting particles into energy, and they can release much greater amounts of energy than atomic interactions. Fission is the splitting of a large nucleus into smaller pieces. Fusion is the joining of two nuclei at extremely high temperature and pressure, and is the process responsible for the energy of the sun and other stars.

Benchmark 4E The Physical Setting: Energy Transformations
Grades 9-12, page 86
Energy is released whenever the nuclei of very heavy atoms, such as uranium or plutonium, split into middleweight ones, or when very light nuclei, such as those of hydrogen and helium, combine into heavier ones. The energy released in each nuclear reaction is very much greater than the energy given off in each chemical reaction.

Benchmark 4G The Physical Setting: Forces of Nature
Grades 9-12, page 97
The forces that hold the nucleus of an atom together are much stronger than the electromagnetic force. That is why such great amounts of energy are released from the nuclear reactions in the sun and other stars.

Benchmark 10C Historical Perspectives: Relating Matter & Energy and Time & Space
Grades 9-12, page 245
The special theory of relativity is best known for stating that any form of energy has mass, and that matter itself is a form of energy. The famous relativity equation, E = mc2, holds that the transformation of even a tiny amount of matter will release an enormous amount of other forms of energy, in that the c in the equation stands for the immense speed of light.