NSES Content Standard A
Science as Inquiry: Understanding about scientific inquiry
Grades 5-8, page 148

Scientific investigations sometimes result in new ideas and phenomena for study, generate new methods or procedures for an investigation, or develop new technologies to improve the collection of data. All of these results can lead to new investigations.

Benchmark 1B The Nature of Science: Scientific Inquiry
Grades 9-12, page 13
New ideas in science are limited by the context in which they are conceived; are often rejected by the scientific establishment; sometimes spring from unexpected findings; and usually grow slowly, through contributions from many investigators.

Benchmark 3A The Nature of Technology: Technology and Science
Grades 9-12, page 47
Technological problems often create a demand for new scientific knowledge, and new technologies make it possible for scientists to extend their research in new ways or to undertake entirely new lines of research. The very availability of new technology itself often sparks scientific advances.