• People have different external features, such as the size, shape, and color...
  • People need water, food, air, waste removal, and a particular range...
  • People tend to live in families and communities in which...
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  • Unlike in human beings, behavior in insects and many other species...
  • Human beings have made tools and machines to sense and do things...
  • Artifacts and preserved remains provide some evidence of the physical...
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  • Like other animals, human beings have body systems for obtaining...
  • Human beings have many similarities and differences. The similarities...
  • Fossil evidence is consistent with the idea that human beings evolved...
  • Specialized roles of individuals within other species are genetically programmed...
  • Human beings use technology to match or excel many of the abilities...
  • Technologies having to do with food production, sanitation...
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  • The similarity of human DNA sequences and the resulting similarity...
  • Written records and photographic and electronic devices enable...

  • All animals have offspring, usually with two parents involved. People...
  • A human baby grows inside its mother until its birth. Even after birth...
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  • It takes about 9 months for a human embryo to develop. Embryos are...
  • Human beings live longer than most other animals, but all living things die.
  • There is a usual sequence of physical and mental development among...
  • People are usually able to have children before they are able to care...
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  • Fertilization occurs when sperm cells from a male's testes are deposited...
  • Contraception measures may incapacitate sperm, block their way to the egg...
  • Following fertilization, cell division produces a small cluster of cells that...
  • The developing embryo--and later the newborn infant--encounters...
  • Various body changes occur as adults age. Muscles and joints become...
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  • As successive generations of an embryo's cells form by division...
  • Using artificial means to prevent or facilitate pregnancy raises questions...
  • The very long period of human development (compared to that of other...
  • The development and use of technologies to maintain, prolong, sustain...

  • The human body has parts that help it seek, find, and take in food...
  • Senses can warn individuals about danger; muscles help them to fight...
  • The brain enables human beings to think and sends messages to other...
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  • From food, people obtain energy and materials for body repair...
  • By breathing, people take in the oxygen they need to live.
  • Skin protects the body from harmful substances and other...
  • The brain gets signals from all parts of the body telling what is going...
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  • Organs and organ systems are composed of cells and help to provide...
  • For the body to use food for energy and building materials, the food...
  • To burn food for the release of energy stored in it, oxygen must be supplied...
  • Specialized cells and the molecules they produce identify and destroy...
  • Hormones are chemicals from glands that affect other body parts...
  • Interactions among the senses, nerves, and brain make possible the learning...
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  • The immune system is designed to protect against microscopic organisms...
  • The nervous system works by electrochemical signals...
  • Communication between cells is required to coordinate their diverse activities...
  • Reproduction is necessary for the survival of any species. Sexual behavior...

  • People use their senses to find out about their surroundings and themselves...
  • Some of the things people do, like playing soccer, reading, and writing...
  • People can learn from each other by telling and listening, showing and watching...
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  • Human beings have different interests, motivations, skills, and talents....
  • Human beings can use the memory of their past experiences to make...
  • Many skills can be practiced until they become automatic. If the right...
  • Human beings tend to repeat behaviors that feel good or have pleasant...
  • Learning means using what one already knows to make sense out of new...
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  • Some animal species are limited to a repertoire of genetically...
  • The level of skill a person can reach in any particular activity depends...
  • Human beings can detect a tremendous range of visual and olfactory stimuli...
  • Attending closely to any one input of information usually reduces...
  • Learning often results from two perceptions or actions occurring at about...
  • Language and tools enable human beings to learn complicated and varied...
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  • Differences in the behavior of individuals arise from the interaction...
  • The expectations, moods, and prior experiences of human beings...
  • Human thinking involves the interaction of ideas, and ideas about ideas...

  • Eating a variety of healthful foods and getting enough exercise and rest...
  • Some things people take into their bodies from the environment...
  • Some diseases are caused by germs, some are not. Diseases caused by germs...
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  • Food provides energy and materials for growth and repair of body parts...
  • Tobacco, alcohol, other drugs, and certain poisons in the environment...
  • If germs are able to get inside one's body, they may keep it from working...
  • There are some diseases that human beings can catch only once...
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  • The amount of food energy (calories) a person requires varies with...
  • Toxic substances, some dietary habits, and some personal behavior...
  • Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites may infect the human body...
  • White blood cells engulf invaders or produce antibodies that attack them...
  • The environment may contain dangerous levels of substances that...
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  • Some allergic reactions are caused by the body's immune responses...
  • Faulty genes can cause body parts or systems to work poorly. Some genetic...
  • New medical techniques, efficient health care delivery systems, improved...
  • Some viral diseases, such as AIDS, destroy critical cells of the immune...

  • People have many different feelings--sadness, joy, anger, fear...
  • People react to personal problems in different ways. Some ways are more...
  • Talking to someone (a friend, relative, teacher, or counselor)...
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  • Different individuals handle their feelings differently, and sometimes...
  • Often human beings don't understand why others act the way they do...
  • Physical health can affect people's emotional well-being and vice versa.
  • One way to respond to a strong feeling, either pleasant or unpleasant, is to think...
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  • Individuals differ greatly in their ability to cope with stressful situations...
  • Often people react to mental distress by denying that they have any...
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  • Stresses are especially difficult for children to deal with and may have...
  • Biological abnormalities, such as brain injuries or chemical imbalances...
  • Reactions of other people to an individual's emotional disturbance may increase...
  • Human beings differ greatly in how they cope with emotions and may...
  • Ideas about what constitutes good mental health and proper treatment...