Benchmark 5D
The Living Environment: Interdependence of Life
Grades 3-5, page 116

For any particular environment, some kinds of plants and animals survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.

NSES Content Standard C 
Life Science: The characteristics of organisms
Grades K-4, page 129
Organisms have basic needs. For example, animals need air, water, and food; plants require air, water, nutrients, and light. Organisms can survive only in environments in which their needs can be met. The world has many different environments, and distinct environments support the life of different types of organisms.

NSES Content Standard C 
Life Science: Organisms and their environments
Grades K-4, page 129
An organism's patterns of behavior are related to the nature of that organism's environment, including the kinds and numbers of other organisms present, the availability of food and resources, and the physical characteristics of the environment. When the environment changes, some plants and animals survive and reproduce, and others die or move to new locations.