Benchmark 3B
The Nature of Technology: Design and Systems
Grades 6-8, page 51

All technologies have effects other than those intended by the design, some of which may have been predictable and some not. In either case, these side effects may turn out to be unacceptable to some of the population and therefore lead to conflict between groups.

NSES Content Standard E 
Science and Technology: Abilities of technological design 
Grades 5-8, page 165 
Evaluate completed technological designs or products. Students should use criteria relevant to the original purpose or need, consider a variety of factors that might affect acceptability and suitability for intended users or beneficiaries, and develop measures of quality with respect to such criteria and factors; they should also suggest improvements and, for their own products, try proposed modifications. 

NSES Content Standard E 
Science and Technology: Understandings about science and technology 
Grades 5-8, page 166 
Scientific inquiry and technological design have similarities and differences. Scientists propose explanations for questions about the natural world, and engineers propose solutions relating to human problems, needs, and aspirations. Technological solutions are temporary; technologies exist within nature and so they cannot contravene physical or biological principles; technological solutions have side effects; and technologies cost, carry risks, and provide benefits. 

NSES Content Standard E 
Science and Technology: Understandings about science and technology 
Grades 5-8, page 166 
Technological solutions have intended benefits and unintended consequences. Some consequences can be predicted, others cannot. 

NSES Content Standard E 
Science and Technology: Abilities of technological design 
Grades 9-12, page 192 
Evaluate the solution and its consequences. Students should test any solution against the needs and criteria it was designed to meet. At this stage, new criteria not originally considered may be reviewed.