Benchmark 9D: The Mathematical World : Uncertainty (grades 6-8, page 229)

Standard 11-3, page 109, Grades 5-8

Appreciate the power of using a probability model by comparing experimental results with mathematical expectations

Standard 11-1 page 171, Grades 9-12

Use experimental or theoretical probability, as appropriate, to represent and solve problems involving uncertainty

Standard 11-1, page 109, Grades 5-8

Model situations by devising and carrying out experiments or simulations to determine probabilities

Standard 10-1, page 105, Grades 5-8

Systematically collect, organize, and describe data

Standard 10-1, page 105, Grades 5-8

Systematically collect, organize, and describe data

Standard 11-1 page 54, Grades K-4

Collect, organize, and describe data

Standard 10-1, page 105, Grades 5-8

Systematically collect, organize, and describe data

Standard 11-2 page 109, Grades 5-8

Model situations by constructing a sample space to determine probabilities