Dialogue on Early Childhood Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education

Selected Resources

Cognitive and Developmental Science

Beaty, Janice J. 1997. Observing Development of the Young Child, 4th edition. Merrill Publishing Co. New York, NY. ISBN 0–13801–986–X.

Introduction to development in children ages 2 to 6, including observing and assessing their behavior. Includes guidelines for appropriate assessment of young children.

Bredekamp, Sue, and C. Copple (Eds.). 1997. Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs. NAEYC. Washington, DC. ISBN 0–93598–979–X.

Carpenter, T.P., et al. 1993. Models of Problem Solving: A Study of Kindergarten Children’s Problem-Solving Processes. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Vol. 24, No. 5. NCTM. Reston, VA. ISSN 0021–8251.

Copley, Juanita. 1998. Mathematics in the Early Years, Ages 0–5. NCTM. Reston, VA.

Crosser, Sandra. 1996. The Butterfly Garden: Developmentally Appropriate Practice Defined. Early Childhood News, Vol. 9, No. 2. Peter Li Education Group. Dayton, OH. ISSN 1080–3564.

Presents an overview of what is meant by a developmentally appropriate preschool classroom. Full text available online at http://www.earlychildhoodnews.com

Day, Barbara. 1994. Early Childhood Education: Developmental/Experiential Teaching and Learning, 4th edition. Macmillan. London. ISBN 0–02327–923–0.

Examines developmentally appropriate learning centers and how they are best managed and organized to meet the needs of young children, including those with special needs. Variety of activities provided.

Devonshire, Hilary. 1991. Water Science Through Art. Grolier Publishing. Danbury, CT. ASIN 053114125X.

This excellent book first defines, then demonstrates certain properties of water as art media: Water flows, is wet, evaporates, can be absorbed, and can form crystals.

Dixon, Dorothy and Carole MacClennan. 1995. See How They Grow: The Early Childhood Years. Twenty-Third Publications. ISBN 0–89622–567–4.

Dunn, Loraine, and Susan Kontos. 1997. What Have We Learned about Developmentally Appropriate Practice? Young Children, Vol. 52, No. 5. NAEYC. Washington, DC. ISSN 0044–0728.

Assesses what we have learned from a decade of research on developmentally appropriate practice.

Elkind, David. 1989. The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon, Revised edition. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Reading, MA. ISBN 0–20107–398–8.

Examines the stresses on children forced to grow up too fast, children who mimic adult sophistication while secretly yearning for innocence.

Fleer, Marilyn. 1996. Play Through the Profiles: Profiles Through Play. Australian Early Childhood Association. Watson, Australian Capital Territory, Australia. ISBN 1–87589–020–3.

Validates play as a fundamental component of learning and an avenue through which learning outcomes can be identified and confirmed. Supports science and math learning through play.

Gardner, Howard. 1991. The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach. Basic Books. ISBN 0–46508–895–3.

Reviews child development theories and provides a description of schooling based on apprenticeship and museum learning models. Summarizes recent research on children’s conceptions in science, math, and other areas.

Hirschfeld, Lawrence A., and Susan A. Gelman (Eds.). 1994. Mapping the Mind: Domain Specificity in Cognition and Culture. Cambridge University Press. Portchester, NY. ISBN 0–52141–966–2.

Many researchers have concluded that much of human thought is “domain specific.” Consequently, the mind is better viewed as a collection of cognitive abilities specialized to handle specific tasks. This introduction explores how these cognitive abilities are organized.

Holmes, Madelyn (Ed.). 1997. Early Learning. Basic Education, Vol. 41, No. 9. Council for Basic Education. Washington, DC. ISSN 1964–984.

New information about how the brain develops may lead educators to rethink how they maximize every child’s opportunity to learn. Brief articles examine how the brain works, early education, and exemplary preschool programs.

Leushina, A.M. 1991. The Development of Elementary Mathematical Concepts in Preschool Children. NCTM. Reston, VA. ISBN 0–87353–299–6.

Discusses six stages in the development of counting and explains children’s notions of size, shape, mass, measurement, spatial orientation, and time. Originally published in 1974, it is based on research conducted in the former Soviet Union.

Resnick, Lauren B. 1987. Education and Learning To Think. National Academy Press. Washington, DC. ISBN 0–60802–330–2.

Report addresses what American schools can do to more effectively teach higher order thinking skills. Full text available online at http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=1032.

Seefeldt, Carol, and Alice Galper. 1998. Continuing Issues in Early Childhood Education. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ. ISBN 0–13519–364–8.

Spodek, Bernard (Ed.). 1993. Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children. Macmillan. ISBN 0–02897–405–0.

Sternberg, R.J., and T. Ben-Zeev (Eds.). 1996. The Nature of Mathematical Thinking. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Mahwah, NJ. ISBN 0–80581–798–0.

Williams, R., R. Rockwell, and E. Sherwood 1987. Mudpies to Magnets. Gryphon House. Beltsville, MD.

Includes directions for making bleach-bottle “space helmets” and a balance toy.

Wood, Chip. 1997. Yardsticks: Children in the Classroom Ages 4–14: A Resource for Parents and Teachers, 2nd edition. Northeast Foundation for Children. Greenfield, MA. ISBN 0–06186–364–1.

Provides teachers and parents with a reference on important childhood development issues, explaining what children should be learning and doing in the classroom at each developmental stage.

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