15. The Research Base
- The Role of Research
- The Nature of the Research Literature
- Research Findings By Chapter and Section
- References
View author’s reference(s)
Author: Klopfer, L.
- Champagne, A., Gunstone, R., Klopfer, L. (1985). Effecting changes in cognitive structures among physics students. In L. West & A. Pines (Eds.),. Cognitive structure and conceptual change. (pp. 61-90). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
- Cooley, W., Klopfer, L. (1961). Test on understanding science. Form W. Princeton: Educational Testing Service.
- Klopfer, L., Cooley, W. (1963). Effectiveness of the history of science cases for high schools in the development of student understanding of science and scientists. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 1, 35-47.
- Schauble, L., Klopfer, L.E., Raghavan, K. (1991). Students' transition from an engineering model to a science model of experimentation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 28, 859-882.