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10. Historical Perspectives

  1. Displacing the Earth from the Center of the Universe
    1. Grades 6 through 8
    2. Grades 9 through 12
  2. Uniting the Heavens and Earth
    1. Grades 9 through 12
  3. Relating Matter & Energy and Time & Space
    1. Grades 9 through 12
  4. Extending Time
    1. Grades 9 through 12
  5. Moving the Continents
    1. Grades 9 through 12
  6. Understanding Fire
    1. Grades 6 through 8
    2. Grades 9 through 12
  7. Splitting the Atom
    1. Grades 6 through 8
    2. Grades 9 through 12
  8. Explaining the Diversity of Life
    1. Grades 9 through 12
  9. Discovering Germs
    1. Grades 6 through 8
  10. Harnessing Power
    1. Grades 6 through 8
    2. Grades 9 through 12

There are two principal reasons for including some knowledge of history among the recommendations. One reason is that generalizations about how the scientific enterprise operates would be empty without concrete examples. Consider, for example, the proposition that new ideas are limited by the context in which they are conceived; are often rejected by the scientific establishment; sometimes spring from unexpected findings; and usually grow slowly, through contributions from many different investigators. Without historical examples, these generalizations would be no more than slogans, however well they might be remembered.

A second reason is that some episodes in the history of the scientific endeavor are of surpassing significance to our cultural heritage. Such episodes certainly include Galileo's role in changing our perception of our place in the universe, Newton's demonstration that the same laws apply to motion in the heavens and on earth, Darwin's long observations of the variety and relatedness of life forms that led to his postulating a mechanism for how they came about, Lyell's careful documentation of the unbelievable age of the earth, and Pasteur's identification of infectious disease with tiny organisms that could be seen only with a microscope. These stories stand among the milestones of the development of all thought in Western civilization.

Science for All Americans

This chapter focuses on benchmarks that address the development of student understanding of selected episodes in the history of science. These benchmarks deal with history, leaving it to benchmarks in other chapters to signal when the related science and technology understandings are to be acquired. Also, it should be noted that little history of science is expected of students before they reach the 6th- to 8th-grade span, and most shows up in the 9th- to 12th-grade span. To appreciate the significance of these historical episodes, students must (1) know or at least be able to follow the science involved, and (2) be able to grasp the main features of the prevailing view at the time.

Recognizing that certain episodes in the history of science can enhance the science curriculum certainly does not imply that all science must be taught by reviewing its history or that no other history of science and technology is appropriate in the curriculum. Nor, for that matter, should it be taken to suggest that there is no need for students to study current issues related to the impact of science and technology on society.

Some educators have suggested that simple versions of these stories may help students to learn more sophisticated versions in later grades by making the main characters and story lines familiar in the early grades. It is possible, however, that simplified versions may distort both the science and the history, making learning the more sophisticated story difficult. Although this edition of Benchmarks does not recommended particular simplifications for students to learn, teachers and researchers could profit from collaborating in the study of the contribution that simplified stories can make to student understanding.

The great cosmological revolution usually associated with the name of Nicolaus Copernicus was one of the episodes in history that was truly transforming. It changed, ultimately, the sense most people have of their relation to the physical universe, and it raised difficult questions of human existence that for many people have yet to be resolved satisfactorily. The Copernican Revolution merits study by all students because it illustrates many aspects of the way science works, especially the way in which science, mathematics, and technology are intertwined and the way in which international efforts in science come together.

Prior to studying this story during the high-school years, students should become familiar with the night sky at least to the extent of having observed the moon, stars, and some of the planets with the unaided eye and with a telescope. Whether through their own observations, films, or planetarium visits, students should be helped to visualize the phenomenon at the heart of the Copernican Revolution—the seemingly irregular movement of the planets relative to the starry background.

The scientific groundwork can now be laid to prepare students to take up in high school the issues raised by Copernicus and Galileo. Naked-eye and telescopic observations should continue, supplemented by the use of reference books, videotapes, computer programs, and planetarium visits. The emphasis should be on accurate descriptions of the appearance of the moon, stars, and planets as seen from earth and on the motion of the planets relative to the stars. Analysis of geocentric and heliocentric models can be delayed until high school.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 8th grade, students should know that

  • Because every object is moving relative to some other object, no object has a unique claim to be at rest. Therefore, the idea of absolute motion or rest is misleading. 10A/M1*
  • Telescopes reveal that there are many more stars in the night sky than are evident to the unaided eye, the surface of the moon has many craters and mountains, the sun has dark spots, and Jupiter and some other planets have their own moons. 10A/M2
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 8th grade, students should know that

  • The motion of an object is always judged with respect to some other object or point and so the idea of absolute motion or rest is misleading. 10A/M1
  • Telescopes reveal that there are many more stars in the night sky than are evident to the unaided eye, the surface of the moon has many craters and mountains, the sun has dark spots, and Jupiter and some other planets have their own moons. 10A/M2

Students now need to get the main features of the heliocentric system clearly in mind and contrast them with those of the geocentric one. People have trouble transposing frames of reference, so it is important not to rush through the story and to practice shifting frames of reference in many different physical contexts. There are films that can help show how hard it is to discern which of two objects is in motion. In studying planetary models, it is easy to bog down in making distinctions between rotating and revolving, and getting it straight may not be worth the effort it requires.

Avoid selling Copernicus' model on the basis of simplicity, for in fact it was not mathematically simpler than Ptolemy's. They were comparably complex, both using circles on circles; and both predicted comparably well where planets would be observed at any specified time. Until Kepler devised a more accurate system with elliptical orbits, choice was a matter of taste. The issue was not fully settled until Newton showed that Kepler's elliptical orbits were the natural consequence of the laws of motion.

The Copernican Revolution illustrates some of the strains that can occur between science and society when science proposes ideas that seem to violate common sense or to undermine traditional values and beliefs. This part of the story should be included but not presented as the triumph of right over wrong or of science over religion. Using selections from Galileo's Two World Views and Brecht's Galileo, along with commentaries by historians, a seminar that seeks to understand the controversy itself provides one possible capstone experience in pursuit of this goal.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • To someone standing on the earth, it seems as if it is large and stationary and that all other objects in the sky orbit around it. That perception was the basis for theories of how the universe is organized that prevailed for over 2,000 years. 10A/H1*
  • Ptolemy, an Egyptian astronomer living in the second century A.D., devised a powerful mathematical model of the universe based on continuous motion in perfect circles, and in circles on circles. With the model, he was able to predict the motions of the sun, moon, and stars, and even of the irregular "wandering stars" now called planets. 10A/H2*
  • In the 1500s, a Polish astronomer named Copernicus suggested that all those same motions could be explained by imagining that the earth was turning around once a day and orbiting around the sun once a year. This explanation was rejected by nearly everyone because it violated common sense and required the universe to be unbelievably large. Worse, it flew in the face of the belief, universally held at the time, that the earth was at the center of the universe. 10A/H3*
  • Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer, worked with Tycho Brahe for a short time. After Brahe's death, Kepler used his data to show mathematically that Copernicus' idea of a sun-centered system worked well if uniform circular motion was replaced with uneven (but predictable) motion along off-center ellipses. 10A/H4*
  • Using the newly invented telescope to study the sky, Galileo made many discoveries that supported the ideas of Copernicus. It was Galileo who found the moons of Jupiter, sunspots, craters and mountains on the moon, and many more stars than were visible to the unaided eye. 10A/H5
  • Writing in Italian rather than in Latin (the language of scholars at the time), Galileo presented arguments for and against the two main views of the universe in a way that favored the newer view. His descriptions of how things move provided an explanation for why people might notice the motion of the earth. Galileo's writings made educated people of the time aware of these competing views and created political, religious, and scientific controversy. 10A/H6*
  • Tycho Brahe, a Danish astronomer, proposed a model of the universe that was popular for a while because it was somewhat of a compromise of Ptolemy's and Copernicus' models. Brahe made very precise measurements of the positions of the planets and stars in an attempt to validate his model. 10A/H7**
  • The work of Copernicus, Galileo, Brahe, and Kepler eventually changed people's perception of their place in the universe. 10A/H8** (SFAA)
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • People perceive that the earth is large and stationary and that all other objects in the sky orbit around it. That perception was the basis for theories of how the universe is organized that prevailed for over 2,000 years. 10A/H1
  • Ptolemy, an Egyptian astronomer living in the second century A.D., devised a powerful mathematical model of the universe based on constant motion in perfect circles, and circles on circles. With the model, he was able to predict the motions of the sun, moon, and stars, and even of the irregular "wandering stars" now called planets. 10A/H2
  • In the 16th century, a Polish astronomer named Copernicus suggested that all those same motions could be explained by imagining that the earth was turning around once a day and orbiting around the sun once a year. This explanation was rejected by nearly everyone because it violated common sense and required the universe to be unbelievably large. Worse, it flew in the face of the belief, universally held at the time, that the earth was at the center of the universe. 10A/H3
  • Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer who lived at about the same time as Galileo, showed mathematically that Copernicus' idea of a sun-centered system worked well if uniform circular motion was replaced with uneven (but predictable) motion along off-center ellipses. 10A/H4
  • Using the newly invented telescope to study the sky, Galileo made many discoveries that supported the ideas of Copernicus. It was Galileo who found the moons of Jupiter, sunspots, craters and mountains on the moon, and many more stars than were visible to the unaided eye. 10A/H5
  • Writing in Italian rather than in Latin (the language of scholars at the time), Galileo presented arguments for and against the two main views of the universe in a way that favored the newer view. That brought the issue to the educated people of the time and created political, religious, and scientific controversy. 10A/H6

Students should have encountered the relevant physical concepts and laws at several levels of sophistication, at different times, and in different learning contexts prior to undertaking to learn the history associated with Newton.

Newtonian synthesis explains the observations and speculations of his time and unifies earth and sky by proposing one set of physics laws for both. This study of history provides students with an excellent opportunity to weave the strands of previous understanding into a coherent picture and to develop an appreciation of the explanatory power and logical elegance of Newton's work.

During the grades prior to high school, and during the early high-school years, students need to become familiar with the phenomena that the Newtonian synthesis explains and unifies, the fundamental concepts involved in the model, and the mathematics necessary to make quantitative sense out of such concepts as velocity and acceleration, the second law of motion, and the law of gravitation.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • Isaac Newton, building on earlier descriptions of motion by Galileo, Kepler, and others, created a unified view of force and motion in which motion everywhere in the universe can be explained by the same few rules. Newton's system was based on the concepts of mass, force, and acceleration; his three laws of motion relating them; and a physical law stating that the force of gravity between any two objects in the universe depends only upon their masses and the distance between them. 10B/H1*
  • Newton's mathematical analysis of gravitational force and motion showed that planetary orbits had to be the very ellipses that Kepler had proposed two generations earlier. 10B/H2*
  • The Newtonian system made it possible to account for such diverse phenomena as tides, the orbits of planets and moons, the motion of falling objects, and the earth's equatorial bulge. 10B/H3*
  • For several centuries, Newton's science was accepted without major changes because it explained so many different phenomena, could be used to predict many physical events (such as the appearance of Halley's comet), was mathematically sound, and had many practical applications. 10B/H4
  • Although overtaken in the 1900s by Einstein's relativity theory, Newton's ideas persist and are widely used. Moreover, his influence has extended far beyond physics and astronomy, serving as a model for other sciences and even raising philosophical questions about free will and the organization of social systems. 10B/H5*
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • Isaac Newton created a unified view of force and motion in which motion everywhere in the universe can be explained by the same few rules. His mathematical analysis of gravitational force and motion showed that planetary orbits had to be the very ellipses that Kepler had proposed two generations earlier. 10B/H1
  • Newton's system was based on the concepts of mass, force, and acceleration, his three laws of motion relating them, and a physical law stating that the force of gravity between any two objects in the universe depends only upon their masses and the distance between them. 10B/H2
  • The Newtonian model made it possible to account for such diverse phenomena as tides, the orbits of planets and moons, the motion of falling objects, and the earth's equatorial bulge. 10B/H3
  • For several centuries, Newton's science was accepted without major changes because it explained so many different phenomena, could be used to predict many physical events (such as the appearance of Halley's comet), was mathematically sound, and had many practical applications. 10B/H4
  • Although overtaken in the 20th century by Einstein's relativity theory, Newton's ideas persist and are widely used. Moreover, his influence has extended far beyond physics and astronomy, serving as a model for other sciences and even raising philosophical questions about free will and the organization of social systems. 10B/H5

Students will be very interested in the "gee whiz" aspects of relativity—the speed of light limit, time slowing down, nuclear energy release, black holes. This interest can be drawn upon to make the more important points that under extreme conditions the world may work in ways very different from our ordinary experience, and that the test of a scientific theory is not how nearly it matches common sense, but how well it accounts for known observations and predicts new ones that hadn't been expected.

One of the major difficulties is semantic rather than scientific: Einstein's concept of relativity does not declare that "everything is relative"; in fact, Galileo's concept of relative velocity comes closer to that idea. Actually, Einstein's theory holds that the speed of light is absolute. No matter how the observer is moving, his or her measurement of the speed of light always comes out the same. Einstein reformulated the laws relating to space, time, mass, and energy so that they would be valid for all observers, whatever their uniform motion might be. So "relativity theory" is as much about what is not relative as about what is.

Relativity is not a topic to be taken up in the elementary- and middle-school years as either history or science. To be sure, a full understanding of relativity theory is far beyond the capacity of most 17-year-olds, but it is far too important to be ignored. By treating relativity historically in high school, it is possible to avoid falling into the trap of trying to teach its technical and mathematical details. The main goals should be for students to see that Einstein went beyond Newton's world view by including it as a limiting case in a more complete theory.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • As a young man, Albert Einstein, a German scientist, formulated the special theory of relativity, which brought about revolutionary changes in human understanding of nature. Among the counterintuitive ideas of special relativity is that the speed of light is the same for all observers no matter how they or the light source happen to be moving. In addition, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. 10C/H1*
  • The special theory of relativity is best known for stating that any form of energy has mass, and that matter itself is a form of energy. Even a tiny amount of matter holds an enormous amount of energy. This relationship is described in the famous relativity equation E = mc2, in which the c in the equation stands for the immense speed of light. 10C/H3*
  • A decade after Einstein developed the special theory of relativity, he proposed the general theory of relativity, which pictures Newton's gravitational force as a distortion of space and time. 10C/H4*
  • Einstein's development of the theories of special and general relativity ranks as one of the greatest human accomplishments in all of history. Many predictions from the theories have been confirmed on both atomic and astronomical scales. Still, the search continues for an even more powerful theory of the architecture of the universe. 10C/H5*
  • Under everyday situations, most of the predictions of special relativity are nearly identical to those of classical mechanics. The more counterintuitive predictions of special relativity occur in situations that humans do not typically experience. 10C/H6**
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • As a young man, Albert Einstein, a German scientist, formulated the special theory of relativity, which brought about revolutionary changes in human understanding of nature. A decade later, he proposed the general theory of relativity, which, along with Newton's work, ranks as one of the greatest human accomplishments in all of history. 10C/H1
    In the current version of Benchmarks Online, the last sentence of this benchmark has been deleted because the ideas in it have been incorporated into benchmarks 10C/H4 and 10C/H5.
  • Among the surprising ideas of special relativity is that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, which is the same for all observers no matter how they or the light source happen to be moving. 10C/H2
    In the current version of Benchmarks Online, this benchmark has been deleted because the ideas in it are addressed in benchmark 10C/H1*.
  • The special theory of relativity is best known for stating that any form of energy has mass, and that matter itself is a form of energy. The famous relativity equation, E = mc2, holds that the transformation of even a tiny amount of matter will release an enormous amount of other forms of energy, in that the c in the equation stands for the immense speed of light. 10C/H3
  • General relativity theory pictures Newton's gravitational force as a distortion of space and time. 10C/H4
  • Many predictions from Einstein's theory of relativity have been confirmed on both atomic and astronomical scales. Still, the search continues for an even more powerful theory of the architecture of the universe. 10C/H5

The change in the conception of the age of the earth—from a few thousand to many millions of years—proposed by scientists in the 1800s was dramatic and, for most people, beyond belief. The estimated age was unimaginably greater than the prevailing beliefs. It was also based on the assumption that the earth's features (mountains, valleys, etc.) had been formed gradually by processes still underway, not in a single, instantaneous creation.

People have difficulty imagining time spans that are vastly longer than human experience. In overturning the "sensible" notion that the earth is at most only a few thousand years old, science understandably provoked substantial opposition. The new theory was based on indirect evidence from fossils and rock formations and supported the even less acceptable concept of biological evolution. Thus, this episode is a good one for exploring ways in which age can be estimated and for raising questions about the relationship between science and popular beliefs.

The history of this episode can be taken up after students have studied some earth science. Their study should engage them in thinking of indirect ways to determine the age of things around them and in comparing those methods to ones used by scientists. The study of dating offers excellent opportunities to show the use and importance to science of both technology and mathematics.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • Prior to the 1700s, many considered the earth to be just a few thousand years old. By the 1800s, scientists were starting to realize that the earth was much older even though they could not determine its exact age. 10D/H1*
  • In the early 1800s, Charles Lyell argued in Principles of Geology that the earth was vastly older than most people believed. He supported his claim with a wealth of observations of the patterns of rock layers in mountains and the locations of various kinds of fossils. 10D/H2*
  • In formulating and presenting his theory of biological evolution, British naturalist Charles Darwin adopted Lyell's claims about the age of the earth and his assumption that the processes that occurred in the past are the same as the processes that occur today. 10D/H3*
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • Scientific evidence indicates that some rock near the earth's surface is several billion years old. But until the 19th century, most people believed that the earth was created just a few thousand years ago. 10D/H1
  • The idea that the earth might be vastly older than most people believed made little headway in science until the publication of Principles of Geology by an English scientist, Charles Lyell, early in the 19th century. The impact of Lyell's book was a result of both the wealth of observations it contained on the patterns of rock layers in mountains and the locations of various kinds of fossils, and of the careful logic he used in drawing inferences from his data. 10D/H2
  • In formulating and presenting his theory of biological evolution, Charles Darwin adopted Lyell's belief about the age of the earth and his style of buttressing his argument with vast amounts of evidence. 10D/H3

The story of why science accepted the idea of moving continents only after long resistance illuminates the conservatism of the scientific enterprise. Contrary to the popular public image of scientists as radicals ready to discard their beliefs instantly in the face of contrary "facts," the plate-tectonics episode shows that it sometimes takes a large accumulation of evidence over an extended period of time to provoke a dramatic shift in what most scientists in a discipline accept as true.

The history of the rise of the theory of plate tectonics shows that the acceptance of a theory depends on its explanatory power as well as on the evidence that supports it. As it has turned out, the modern theory of plate tectonics makes sense out of such a large and diverse array of phenomena related to the earth's surface that it now serves as a unifying principle in geology. In a sense, plate tectonics does for geology what evolution does for biology.

This bit of history should probably be taken up in high school, after students have acquired descriptive knowledge about the earth's surface—the shapes and locations of the continents and ocean basins, the nature of earthquakes and volcanoes and their distribution on a world map, etc.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • As soon as fairly accurate world maps began to appear, some people noticed that the continents of Africa and South America looked as though they might fit together, like a giant jigsaw puzzle. This led some to speculate that they might have once been part of a single giant land mass that broke into pieces and then drifted apart. This idea was repeatedly suggested and rejected because it was hard to imagine that anything that large and apparently immobile could move. 10E/H1*
  • Early in the 1900s, Alfred Wegener, a German scientist, reintroduced the idea of moving continents, adding such evidence as the underwater shapes of the continents, the similarity of life forms and land forms in corresponding parts of Africa and South America, and the increasing separation of Greenland and Europe. Even with this evidence and the realization that the earth was old enough for this to have occurred, very few contemporary scientists adopted Wegener's theory because he lacked a plausible mechanism for the movement of continents. 10E/H2*
  • In the 1960s, scientists noted that earthquakes occur much more frequently in certain areas, that the rock around mid-ocean ridges is progressively older the farther it is from the ridge, and that this gradient is symmetrical on either side of the ridge. This evidence, coupled with a scientifically sound physical explanation for how continents could move, transformed the idea of moving continents into the theory of plate tectonics. 10E/H3*
  • Scientists continue to study the motions of the earth's plates and the phenomena those motions cause in an attempt to better understand the internal composition of the earth and the processes taking place within it. 10E/H4**
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • The idea of continental drift was suggested by the matching shapes of the Atlantic coasts of Africa and South America, but rejected for lack of other evidence. It just seemed absurd that anything as massive as a continent could move around. 10E/H1
  • Early in the 20th century, Alfred Wegener, a German scientist, reintroduced the idea of moving continents, adding such evidence as the underwater shapes of the continents, the similarity of life forms and land forms in corresponding parts of Africa and South America, and the increasing separation of Greenland and Europe. Still, very few contemporary scientists adopted his theory. 10E/H2
  • The theory of plate tectonics was finally accepted by the scientific community in the 1960s, when further evidence had accumulated in support of it. The theory was seen to provide an explanation for a diverse array of seemingly unrelated phenomena, and there was a scientifically sound physical explanation of how such movement could occur. 10E/H3

Apart from the story of Lavoisier—who he was, when and where he lived, what he did that was so important—this episode illustrates several aspects of the scientific endeavor. These are (1) the power of concepts, in this case the conservation of matter; (2) the importance of careful measurement, here that of combustion products; (3) the way in which different lines of investigation sometimes converge, in this instance, those of Lavoisier and Dalton; and (4) the role of communication in advancing science, here illustrated by Lavoisier's system for naming substances and describing reactions.

Lavoisier and Dalton were not, of course, solely responsible for the development of the science of chemistry. In the actual study of chemistry and its origins, many of the other strands will need to be brought into the story. Lavoisier and the controversy over the nature of burning provide a dramatic focus for the story.

Students should have opportunities to become familiar with many kinds of (safe) chemical reactions and with the ways things behave or change in the process, and to gain experience doing elementary qualitative analysis. That will provide a background for developing the Lavoisier/Dalton story, parts of which can be told as students are introduced to atomic theory and the conservation of matter. During this time, students should also gain practice in describing chemical reactions in general, and burning in particular, in terms of elements and compounds, atoms and molecules. They cannot be expected to become knowledgeable about details of atomic structure or bonding.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 8th grade, students should know that

  • More than 2000 years ago, Greek philosophers formulated the idea of atoms as being simple particles beyond the reach of human senses and with the existence of a void between them. 10F/M1a*
  • Aristotle and other thinkers held that four elements (fire, air, water, and earth) composed all of matter. While the idea of atoms received little attention, Aristotle's four elements became the dominant idea. 10F/M1b*
  • Antoine Lavoisier's work was based on the idea that when materials react with each other, many changes can take place but that in every case the total amount of mass afterward is the same as before. He successfully tested the concept of conservation of mass by conducting a series of experiments in which he carefully measured all the substances involved in burning, including the gases used and those given off. As a result, the phlogiston theory was replaced by a theory based on the role of oxygen in burning. 10F/M4*
  • Ancient civilizations in China, India, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean developed explanations about matter not by experimentation but by observing the natural world and by using logic and rational thought. 10F/M6**
  • Up until the 1700s, the prevailing idea was that materials contained a substance called phlogiston, which had mass, and that when an object burned, it gave off phlogiston, which carried away the mass. This view confirmed what people saw: When a piece of wood was burned, all that was left was a residue of ashes that had far less mass than the wood. 10F/M7** (SFAA)
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 8th grade, students should know that

  • From the earliest times until now, people have believed that even though millions of different kinds of material seem to exist in the world, most things must be made up of combinations of just a few basic kinds of things. There has not always been agreement, however, on what those basic kinds of things are. One theory long ago was that the basic substances were earth, water, air, and fire. Scientists now know that these are not the basic substances. But the old theory seemed to explain many observations about the world. 10F/M1
  • Today, scientists are still working out the details of what the basic kinds of matter are and of how they combine, or can be made to combine, to make other substances. 10F/M2
    In the current version of Benchmarks Online, this benchmark has been deleted.
  • Experimental and theoretical work done by French scientist Antoine Lavoisier in the decade between the American and French revolutions led to the modern science of chemistry. 10F/M3
    In the current version of Benchmarks Online, this benchmark has been deleted.
  • Lavoisier's work was based on the idea that when materials react with each other many changes can take place but that in every case the total amount of matter afterward is the same as before. He successfully tested the concept of conservation of matter by conducting a series of experiments in which he carefully measured all the substances involved in burning, including the gases used and those given off. 10F/M4
  • Alchemy was chiefly an effort to change base metals like lead into gold and to produce an elixir that would enable people to live forever. It failed to do that or to create much knowledge of how substances react with each other. The more scientific study of chemistry that began in Lavoisier's time has gone far beyond alchemy in understanding reactions and producing new materials. 10F/M5
    In the current version of Benchmarks Online, this benchmark has been deleted.

This is the time to enrich the Lavoisier story by bringing in Dalton and by emphasizing the importance of the consistent use of language, scientific classification, and symbols in establishing the modern science of chemistry. For some students, the study of chemical bonds, equations, and structures will reinforce the usefulness of symbolic representations.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • In the late 1700s and early 1800s, the idea of atoms reemerged in response to questions about the structure of matter, the nature of fire, and the basis of chemical phenomena. 10F/H1**
  • Lavoisier pioneered a new approach to chemistry based on the modern definition of an element and quantitative methods. His system for naming substances and describing their reactions in terms of the elements that make them up contributed to the rapid growth of chemistry by enabling scientists everywhere to share their findings about chemical reactions without ambiguity. 10F/H2*
  • In the early 1800s, British chemist and physicist John Dalton united the concepts of atoms and elements. He proposed two ideas that laid the groundwork for modern chemistry: first, that elements are formed from small, indivisible particles called atoms, which are identical for a given element but different from any other element; and second, that chemical compounds are formed from atoms by combining a definite number of each type of atom to form one molecule of the compound. 10F/H3*
  • Dalton figured out how the relative weights of the atoms could be determined experimentally. His idea that every substance had a unique atomic composition provided an explanation for why substances were made up of elements in specific proportions. 10F/H4**
  • Since Lavoisier and Dalton, the system for describing chemical reactions has been vastly extended to account for the configuration taken by atoms when they bond to one another and to describe the inner workings of atoms that account for why they bond as they do. 10F/H5*
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • Lavoisier invented a whole new field of science based on a theory of materials, physical laws, and quantitative methods, with the conservation of matter at its core. He persuaded a generation of scientists that his approach accounted for the experimental results better than other chemical systems. 10F/H1
    In the current version of Benchmarks Online, the ideas in this benchmark have been incorporated into benchmark 10F/H2*.
  • Lavoisier's system for naming substances and describing their reactions contributed to the rapid growth of chemistry by enabling scientists everywhere to share their findings about chemical reactions with one another without ambiguity. 10F/H2
  • John Dalton's modernization of the ancient Greek ideas of element, atom, compound, and molecule strengthened the new chemistry by providing a physical explanation for reactions that could be expressed in quantitative terms. 10F/H3
  • While the basic ideas of Lavoisier and Dalton have survived, the advancement of chemistry since their time now makes possible an explanation of the bonding that takes place between atoms during chemical reactions in terms of the inner workings of atoms. 10F/H4

The story of the discovery of radioactivity and the structure of the nucleus of the atom, along with the incredible results that followed in this century, is drama of the highest order. It also illuminates several features of the scientific enterprise: the role of accidental discovery, the interdependence of disciplines, the ability of women to do outstanding work in both empirical and theoretical science, and the impact of science on world affairs.

Before students can appreciate the significance of the work of the Curies and the others, they must have some understanding of the mass/energy relationship and the physics of nuclear fission and fusion, and they should be familiar with the general history of World War II and the postwar uses of nuclear energy. Prior to the middle grades, nothing is to be gained by delving into the history of radioactivity and nuclear energy, for the science is too abstract for students to grasp and the history too remote for them to care about. Perhaps the earliest introduction should be in the form of the story of Madame Curie, many features of which will capture the imagination of boys and girls—as long as the technical details of her work are not the main focus.

There are no longer any benchmarks assigned to this grade level in this section in the current version of Benchmarks.

1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 8th grade, students should know that

  • The accidental discovery that minerals containing uranium darken photographic film, as light does, led to the idea of radioactivity. 10G/M1
    In the current version of Benchmarks Online, this benchmark has been moved to grades 9–12 and recoded as 10G/H1a*.
  • In their laboratory in France, Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre Curie, isolated two new elements that caused most of the radioactivity of the uranium mineral. They named one radium because it gave off powerful, invisible rays, and the other polonium in honor of Madame Curie's country of birth. Marie Curie was the first scientist ever to win the Nobel prize in two different fields—in physics, shared with her husband, and later in chemistry. 10G/M2
    In the current version of Benchmarks Online, this benchmark has been moved to grades 9–12 and recoded as 10G/H1b*.

The focus of the "splitting-the-atom" story should be on the discovery of nuclear fission and its impact on world affairs. It is important not to overlook the science in this episode when considering the ethical and national-security considerations associated with fission and fusion. It is a measure of its significance that books for the general reader continue to emerge on this subject.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • The unexpected discovery that minerals containing uranium darken photographic film, as light does, led to the idea of radioactivity. 10G/H1a*
  • In their laboratory in France, Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre Curie, isolated two new elements that caused most of the radioactivity of the uranium mineral. They named one radium because it gave off powerful, invisible rays, and the other polonium in honor of Madame Curie's country of birth, Poland. 10G/H1b*
  • Ernest Rutherford of New Zealand and his colleagues discovered that the heavy radioactive element uranium spontaneously splits itself into a slightly lighter nucleus and a very light helium nucleus, leading to the realization that one kind of atom may change into another kind, and that therefore an atom must be made up of smaller parts. 10G/H2*
  • Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, German chemists, found that when they struck uranium with a beam of neutrons, barium was unexpectedly produced. Austrian physicist Lise Meitner, who had earlier worked with Hahn and Strassmann on the decay patterns of uranium, was the first to suggest that the barium could have resulted from the splitting of the uranium nucleus into two middleweight nuclei and one or two extra neutrons. 10G/H3a*
  • In proposing that a uranium nucleus could split, Meitner had to account for the energy that would be released when the newly formed nuclei accelerated away from each other. She suggested it could come from the conversion of mass to energy predicted by Einstein's theory of special relativity. 10G/H3b*
  • Enrico Fermi, an Italian working with colleagues in the United States, showed that the extra neutrons trigger more fissions in uranium nuclei and so create a sustained chain reaction in which a prodigious amount of energy is given off. 10G/H3c*
  • A massive effort went into developing the technology for the production of nuclear fission bombs used against Japan in World War II. The hydrogen bomb, which uses nuclear fusion, was developed shortly after World War II. Another important development of this era was the nuclear reactor, in which nuclear energies are released in a controlled fashion for the production of electrical energy. 10G/H4a*
  • Nuclear weapons and energy remain matters of public concern and controversy. 10G/H4b
  • Radioactivity has many uses other than generating energy, including in medicine, industry, and scientific research in many different fields. 10G/H5
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • The Curies made radium available to researchers all over the world, increasing the study of radioactivity and leading to the realization that one kind of atom may change into another kind, and so must be made up of smaller parts. These parts were demonstrated by other scientists to be a small, dense nucleus that contains protons and neutrons and is surrounded by a cloud of electrons. 10G/H1
    In the current version of Benchmarks Online, the ideas in this benchmark have been deleted.
  • Ernest Rutherford of New Zealand and his colleagues discovered that the heavy radioactive element uranium spontaneously splits itself into a slightly lighter nucleus and a very light helium nucleus. 10G/H2
  • Later, Austrian and German scientists showed that when uranium is struck by neutrons, it splits into two nearly equal parts plus one or two extra neutrons. Lise Meitner, an Austrian physicist, was the first to point out that if these fragments added up to less mass than the original uranium nucleus, then Einstein's special relativity theory predicted that a large amount of energy would be released. Enrico Fermi, an Italian working with colleagues in the United States, showed that the extra neutrons trigger more fissions and so create a sustained chain reaction in which a prodigious amount of energy is given off. 10G/H3
  • A massive effort went into developing the technology and building the nuclear fission bombs used in Japan in World War II, nuclear fusion weapons that followed, and the reactors for the controlled conversion of nuclear energy into electric energy. Nuclear weapons and energy remain matters of public concern and controversy. 10G/H4
  • Radioactivity has many uses other than generating energy, including in medicine, industry, and scientific research in many different fields. 10G/H5

The educational goal should be for all children to understand the concept of evolution by natural selection, the evidence and arguments that support it, and its importance in biology. The study of this history provides a good opportunity to feature the importance in science of careful observation and description and to illustrate that not all scientific advances depend on experimentation. Also, the history of this episode should be brought up to current times with regard to its acceptance and rejection by people.

Because of the complexity of the evidence and the arguments that must be examined, a clear understanding of species evolution probably cannot be achieved earlier than high school. So the full-blown episode will await or accompany students' studying the science. But students in earlier grades will certainly be developing the evidence base for which the theory attempts to account. Darwin's voyage aboard the Beagle provided the main observations that led him on his intellectual journey toward evolution by natural selection. The Voyage of the Beagle is a great story that can first illustrate the source of Darwin's puzzlement and later provide a picture of the many complex processes of science ideas in the making.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • The theory of natural selection grew out of efforts to determine how species change over time. 10H/H1*
  • Prior to the 1800s, the most widespread belief was that all known species were created and remained unchanged throughout history. 10H/H2a*
  • By the mid-1800s, some scientists believed that species evolved from earlier species. 10H/H2b*
  • Darwin argued that certain biologically inherited characteristics give an organism an advantage in surviving and reproducing compared to other organisms of the same species. The offspring would also inherit and pass on those advantages, and over generations the accumulation of these inherited advantages would lead to a new species. 10H/H3*
  • Darwin published his theory in the mid-1800s in Origin of Species. Its dramatic effect on biology can be traced to his use of clear and understandable argument, the inclusion of a massive array of evidence to support the argument, comparison of natural selection to the selective breeding of animals in wide use at the time, and the utility of the theory as a unifying framework for guiding future research. 10H/H4*
  • A mechanism that explained the origin of variation within species was suggested by several lines of evidence: findings from Gregor Mendel's experiments on the inheritance of traits in plants, the identification of genes and how they are sorted in reproduction, and the discovery of the mutability and near universality of the genetic code found in DNA. 10H/H5*
  • By the 1900s, nearly all scientists had accepted Darwin's basic idea of evolution through natural selection. Today, scientists continue to work out the details of the evolutionary history of specific organisms. 10H/H6ab*
  • The lack of acceptance of scientific arguments for natural selection by some members of the general public has been affected by their discomfort with its implications, such as the relation of humans to other animals, and their religious beliefs about when and how the world and living things in it were created. 10H/H6c*
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • The scientific problem that led to the theory of natural selection was how to explain similarities within the great diversity of existing and fossil organisms. 10H/H1
  • Prior to Charles Darwin, the most widespread belief was that all known species were created at the same time and remained unchanged throughout history. Some scientists at the time believed that features an individual acquired during its lifetime could be passed on to its offspring, and the species could thereby gradually change to fit its environment better. 10H/H2
  • Darwin argued that only biologically inherited characteristics could be passed on to offspring. Some of these characteristics were advantageous in surviving and reproducing. The offspring would also inherit and pass on those advantages, and over generations the aggregation of these inherited advantages would lead to a new species. 10H/H3
  • The quick success of Darwin's book Origin of Species, published in the mid-1800s, came from the clear and understandable argument it made, including the comparison of natural selection to the selective breeding of animals in wide use at the time, and from the massive array of biological and fossil evidence it assembled to support the argument. 10H/H4
  • After the publication of Origin of Species, biological evolution was supported by the rediscovery of the genetics experiments of an Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel, by the identification of genes and how they are sorted in reproduction, and by the discovery that the genetic code found in DNA is the same for almost all organisms. 10H/H5
  • By the 20th century, most scientists had accepted Darwin's basic idea. Today that still holds true, although differences exist concerning the details of the process and how rapidly evolution of species takes place. People usually do not reject evolution for scientific reasons but because they dislike its implications, such as the relation of human beings to other animals, or because they prefer a biblical account of creation. 10H/H6

Students believe that germs exist, having had the idea drummed into them from infancy. But in fact the existence of microorganisms was not easy to establish, and their connection to particular diseases even harder. Studying the development of germ theory provides a good opportunity to highlight several important attributes of science, including that it depends on technology, that sometimes investigations designed to solve a practical problem lead to fundamental scientific discoveries, and that a major breakthrough frequently requires the work of different scientists working independently.

In contrast to many of the other historical episodes, the study of germ theory is one worth trying in middle school. The science needed can be developed during these grades. The story of Pasteur's discovery that microbes can cause disease is straightforward, the role played by microscopes in making germs in diseased tissues visible follows nicely from students' own microscopic observations, and the implications for sanitary practice and disease prevention are things that students routinely encounter.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 8th grade, students should know that

  • Throughout history, people have created explanations for disease. Some have held that disease has supernatural causes. Others have used careful observation and reasoning to propose natural causes. 10I/M1*
  • French chemist Louis Pasteur demonstrated that spoilage and fermentation occur when microorganisms enter from the air, multiply rapidly, and produce waste products. He showed that spoilage could be avoided by keeping germs out or by destroying them with heat. 10I/M2bc*
  • German physician Robert Koch used a set of criteria to evaluate whether specific germs caused anthrax. He and others then used the criteria to identify the germs that cause numerous other diseases. 10I/M2d*
  • Pasteur found that infection by disease organisms (germs) caused the body to build up an immunity against subsequent infection by the same organisms. He then produced vaccines that would induce the body to build immunity to a disease without actually causing the disease itself. 10I/M3*
  • Investigations of the germ theory by Pasteur, Koch, and others in the 19th century firmly established the modern idea that many diseases are caused by microorganisms. Acceptance of the germ theory has led to changes in health practices. 10I/M4*
  • In medicine, as in other fields of science, discoveries are sometimes made unexpectedly, even by accident. But knowledge and creative insight are usually required to recognize the meaning of the unexpected. 10I/M5
  • The improvement of microscope lenses and design in the 1600s led to discovery of a vast new world of microscopically small plants and animals, among them bacteria and yeasts. Because most microorganisms do not cause disease, they are present even in healthy individuals. Therefore, the discovery of those microorganisms did not suggest what effects they might have on humans and other organisms. 10I/M6** (SFAA)
  • Current health practices emphasize sanitation, the safe handling of food and water, the pasteurization of milk, isolation, and aseptic surgical techniques to keep germs out of the body; vaccinations to strengthen the body's immune system against subsequent infection by the same kind of microorganisms; and antibiotics and other chemicals and processes to destroy microorganisms. 10I/M7** (BSL)
  • After the discovery of germs, biologists turned to the identification and investigation of microorganisms, discovering thousands of different bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and parasites and gaining a deeper understanding of the interactions between organisms. 10I/M8** (SFAA)
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 8th grade, students should know that

  • Throughout history, people have created explanations for disease. Some have held that disease has spiritual causes, but the most persistent biological theory over the centuries was that illness resulted from an imbalance in the body fluids. The introduction of germ theory by Louis Pasteur and others in the 19th century led to the modern belief that many diseases are caused by microorganisms—bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and parasites. 10I/M1
  • Pasteur wanted to find out what causes milk and wine to spoil. He demonstrated that spoilage and fermentation occur when microorganisms enter from the air, multiply rapidly, and produce waste products. After showing that spoilage could be avoided by keeping germs out or by destroying them with heat, he investigated animal diseases and showed that microorganisms were involved. Other investigators later showed that specific kinds of germs caused specific diseases. 10I/M2
  • Pasteur found that infection by disease organisms—germs—caused the body to build up an immunity against subsequent infection by the same organisms. He then demonstrated that it was possible to produce vaccines that would induce the body to build immunity to a disease without actually causing the disease itself. 10I/M3
  • Changes in health practices have resulted from the acceptance of the germ theory of disease. Before germ theory, illness was treated by appeals to supernatural powers or by trying to adjust body fluids through induced vomiting, bleeding, or purging. The modern approach emphasizes sanitation, the safe handling of food and water, the pasteurization of milk, quarantine, and aseptic surgical techniques to keep germs out of the body; vaccinations to strengthen the body's immune system against subsequent infection by the same kind of microorganisms; and antibiotics and other chemicals and processes to destroy microorganisms. 10I/M4
  • In medicine, as in other fields of science, discoveries are sometimes made unexpectedly, even by accident. But knowledge and creative insight are usually required to recognize the meaning of the unexpected. 10I/M5

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • Today, the modern technology of high-power imaging and biotechnology make it possible to investigate how microorganisms spread, how they cause disease, how the immune system combats them, and even how they can be manipulated genetically. 10I/H1** (SFAA)

There were no benchmarks assigned to this grade level in this section in the 1993 version of Benchmarks.

Students need to learn about the nature of tools, the geographical distribution of material and energy resources, and how people lived and worked in the 18th century and earlier in order to grasp the nature and impact of the Industrial Revolution. Students study the Industrial Revolution to some degree as a part of world history, although the scientific and technical aspects of it are often shortchanged.

It is such a central episode in human experience that students should encounter aspects of it in the elementary and middle grades and in geography, government, literature, and science, as well as in history and technology classes. Once they are familiar with the 18th century's Industrial Revolution, students can compare the 20th century's Information Revolution to it.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 5th grade, students should know that

  • In the 1700s, most manufacturing was still done in homes or small shops, using small, handmade machines that were powered by muscle, wind, or moving water. 10J/E1** (BSL)

There were no benchmarks assigned to this grade level in this section in the 1993 version of Benchmarks.

Students should acquire some knowledge of the Industrial Revolution in social studies, and from science and technology they should acquire a grasp of how steam engines and pumps work.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 8th grade, students should know that

  • In the 1800s, new machinery and steam engines to drive them made it possible to manufacture goods in factories, using fuels as a source of energy. In the factory system, workers, materials, and energy could be brought together efficiently. 10J/M1*
  • The invention of the steam engine was at the center of the Industrial Revolution. It converted the chemical energy stored in wood and coal into motion energy. The steam engine was widely used to solve the urgent problem of pumping water out of coal mines. As improved by James Watt, Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, it was soon used to move coal; drive manufacturing machinery; and power locomotives, ships, and even the first automobiles. 10J/M2*
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 8th grade, students should know that

  • Until the 1800s, most manufacturing was done in homes, using small, handmade machines that were powered by muscle, wind, or running water. New machinery and steam engines to drive them made it possible to replace craftsmanship with factories, using fuels as a source of energy. In the factory system, workers, materials, and energy could be brought together efficiently. 10J/M1
    In the current version of Benchmarks Online, the first sentence of this benchmark has been moved to grades 3-5 and recoded as 10J/E1**.
  • The invention of the steam engine was at the center of the Industrial Revolution. It converted the chemical energy stored in wood and coal, which were plentiful, into mechanical work. The steam engine was invented to solve the urgent problem of pumping water out of coal mines. As improved by James Watt, it was soon used to move coal, drive manufacturing machinery, and power locomotives, ships, and even the first automobiles. 10J/M2

An important goal in teaching about the Industrial Revolution is to help students understand it in both its contemporary and modern contexts. Is the computer the steam engine of our times? Or is it the electrical generator? Will information become as important politically and economically as energy? What impact has the chemical, and now the biochemical, revolution had on how people live and work? These and other such questions are raised here to suggest some of the issues students should examine in the context of the impact of technology on society.

Current Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • The Industrial Revolution developed in Great Britain because that country made practical use of science, had access by sea to world resources and markets, and had people who were willing to work in factories. 10J/H1*
  • The Industrial Revolution increased the productivity of each worker, but it also increased child labor and unhealthy working conditions, and it gradually destroyed the craft tradition. The economic imbalances of the Industrial Revolution led to a growing conflict between factory owners and workers and contributed to the main political ideologies of the 20th century. 10J/H2
  • Today, changes in technology continue to affect patterns of work and bring with them economic and social consequences. 10J/H3*
1993 Version of the Benchmarks Statements

By the end of the 12th grade, students should know that

  • The Industrial Revolution happened first in Great Britain because that country made practical use of science, had access by sea to world resources and markets, and had an excess of farm workers willing to become factory workers. 10J/H1
  • The Industrial Revolution increased the productivity of each worker but it also increased child labor and unhealthy working conditions, and it gradually destroyed the craft tradition. The economic imbalances of the Industrial Revolution led to a growing conflict between factory owners and workers and contributed to the main political ideologies of the 20th century. 10J/H2
  • The Industrial Revolution is still underway as electric, electronic, and computer technologies change patterns of work and bring with them economic and social consequences. 10J/H3


During the development of Atlas of Science Literacy, Volume 2, Project 2061 revised the wording of some benchmarks in order to update the science, improve the logical progression of ideas, and reflect the current research on student learning. New benchmarks were also created as necessary to accommodate related ideas in other learning goals documents such as Science for All Americans (SFAA), the National Science Education Standards (NSES), and the essays or other elements in Benchmarks for Science Literacy (BSL). We are providing access to both the current and the 1993 versions of the benchmarks as a service to our end-users.

The text of each learning goal is followed by its code, consisting of the chapter, section, grade range, and the number of the goal. Lowercase letters at the end of the code indicate which part of the 1993 version it comes from (e.g., “a” indicates the first sentence in the 1993 version, “b” indicates the second sentence, and so on). A single asterisk at the end of the code means that the learning goal has been edited from the original, whereas two asterisks mean that the idea is a new learning goal.

Copyright © 1993,2009 by American Association for the Advancement of Science