Is Your Child's Science Education What It Should Be?

Ten Questions to Ask Your Local School

How can parents know if their child's education is up to par? Are students being prepared well enough for today’s science-oriented world?

Project 2061 has created a set of ten questions parents can ask their local schools to help them determine whether their child is gaining the knowledge and skills they will need as adults.

Project 2061 designed the questions to encourage communication among parents, teachers, school administrators, and the community as a whole. To help open up conversations, Project 2061 suggests that parents talk with the principal about the school's science and math program to get a sense of the school's approach. They can also talk with science curriculum specialists in the school system's central office, or with school board members. It is also useful for parents to find out if there are community-based programs and activities aimed at improving science and mathematics education. If not, perhaps parents can initiate one.

Parents can also become more actively engaged in their child’s education through the Partnership for Science Literacy, a joint project of AAAS and, which was launched with funding from the National Science Foundation. With its theme of “Science. It’s Everywhere,” the Partnership reaches out to parents through a Web site, a free Family Guide to Science, and public service announcements, all available in English and Spanish.


Ten Questions to Ask Your Neighborhood School About Local Science Education