2061 Connections
An electronic newsletter for the science education community

July 2012

"Create & Take Tests" on the AAAS Assessment Website

Teachers can now develop and administer their own science tests using items from the AAAS Science Assessment website. A new “Create & Take Tests” module added to the AAAS Science Assessment website allows users to choose from the site’s more than 700 test questions in 16 science topics to assemble multiple-choice tests that can be administered and scored online. So far, close to 2,400 tests have been created.

Screenshot of a test item in an online test
(view a larger version)

Since its launch last year, the AAAS Science Assessment website has been used extensively, and usage continues to grow. According to data provided by Google Analytics, the site has received nearly 116,000 visits and now has over 14,000 registered users. There are also about 1,300 links to the site from external sources.

Screenshot of the results summary generated for an online test
(view a larger version)

Visit the AAAS Science Assessment website at assessment.aaas.org.

For more information, contact Dr. George DeBoer, 202 326 6624, gdeboer@aaas.org.

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