2061 Connections
An electronic newsletter for the science education community

May/June 2007

In this issue

I. Lessons Learned from Pilot Testing Assessment Items
At the NARST Annual Conference in April, Project 2061’s assessment team presented what they are learning as they try out science assessment items with students. Read the full story.

II. Atlas Workshop Heads to Cincinnati and DC
AAAS Project 2061 is offering two sessions of its popular professional development workshop “Using Atlas of Science Literacy” in Cincinnati, OH, August 7–9, and in Washington, DC, October 16–18.

Designed for K–12 science teachers, curriculum specialists, and other educators, the workshop demonstrates how participants can use the conceptual strand maps in Atlas 1 and Atlas 2, along with other Project 2061 resources, to enhance their own understanding of science literacy and take a benchmarks-based approach to helping all students achieve literacy in science, mathematics, and technology. The Atlas of Science Literacy is co-published by AAAS and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), and the new Atlas, Volume 2 was recently released at the NSTA national conference. [Visit current workshop information page.]

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