2061 Connections
An electronic newsletter for the science education community

May/June 2005

In this issue

I. Goals-Based Mathematics Study Produces Unique Data Set
After three years of data collection for Project 2061’s study Improving Mathematics Teacher Practice and Student Learning through Professional Development, researchers have a unique set of videotaped lessons recorded to explore how the interactions of curriculum materials, teaching practices, and professional development can lead to improved student learning. As analysis of the data gets underway, one case study reveals promising changes in teacher practice. Read the full story.

II. Science Literacy in a Global Context
As countries focus more attention on building the science literacy of their citizens, Project 2061 shares its goals-based approach to education reform with educators and policymakers in different regions of the world. Among the international developments: Deputy director George DeBoer’s travels to China and Trinidad, and the Chinese translation of Designs for Science Literacy. Learn more.

III. Project 2061’s Strong Presence at NSTA
Four past and current Project 2061 staff members made presentations at the 2005 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Convention in Dallas, Texas. Former Project 2061 directors F. James Rutherford and George Nelson were featured speakers, while Project 2061 deputy director George DeBoer and senior program associate Ted Willard shared some of Project 2061’s latest research and resources. Read more.
