2061 Connections
An electronic newsletter for the science education community

January/February 2005

In this issue

I. Mapping for Curriculum Coherence
When Project 2061 researchers used conceptual strand maps to aid their evaluation of high school biology textbooks, they learned the value of explicitly attending to the connections among ideas that bring coherence to students’ learning of science. A new online resource, High School Biology Textbooks: A Benchmarks-Based Evaluation, provides access to the maps that Project 2061 reviewers used to guide their analyses and to record their findings. Read the full story.

II. PRISMS to Identify Quality Phenomena and Representations for Teaching
With support from the National Science Foundation’s digital libraries program, Project 2061 is collaborating with the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance in a new three-year project. Phenomena and Representations for the Instruction of Science in Middle Schools (PRISMS) will use Project 2061’s curriculum-materials analysis procedure to identify Web-based resources that are aligned to content standards and provide instructional support to teachers. Read more.

III. Science Literacy Campaign Connects Informal Science Learning to Educational Goals
With a “Science. It's Everywhere” theme, the Partnership for Science Literacy continues to promote the importance of science learning to families and communities. Its latest work involves showing specific ways that science centers can help students achieve their school’s learning goals. Learn more.
