2061 Connections
An electronic newsletter for the science education community

November 2004

In this issue

I. CCMS Faculty Develop New Teacher-Education Module
Two researchers with the Center for Curriculum Materials in Science (CCMS) have developed an instructional module for use in secondary science methods courses. The module helps student-teachers analyze and adapt curriculum materials in ways that enhance the support they provide for standards-based science teaching and learning. Find out more.

II. Using Classroom Videos as a Vehicle for Teacher/Researcher Dialogue
As researchers work to identify the best ways to improve student learning in middle grades mathematics, they find that examining videotaped lessons opens a door to productive dialogue between teachers and researchers. Learn more.

III. Science Centers Seek Innovative Ways to Engage Parents in Education
The Partnership for Science Literacy brought together individuals from across the country at the Association of Science-Technology Centers annual meeting to explore innovative approaches for community-based science programs for parents and children. Learn more.
