2061 Connections
An electronic newsletter for the science education community

July 2004

Professional Development Helps Educators Map Student Learning

To help K–12 educators make sense of the learning goals for science, mathematics, and technology specified in state and national standards documents, AAAS’s Project 2061 offers a three-day workshop that introduces participants to the theoretical and practical aspects of standards-based education reform.  Using Project 2061’s Atlas of Science Literacy and other Project 2061 resources, participants begin by looking at research into student learning, particularly as it relates to specific topics or ideas.  Next, they work on developing their own learning goals and then creating conceptual strand maps (similar to those published in Atlas) that display connections among goals within a K–12 sequence.  In other activities, participants review procedures for analyzing assessment items for their alignment to learning goals and for streamlining the curriculum so that students have adequate time to learn the most important concepts well.  

The workshops attract science and mathematics teachers, administrators, curriculum specialists, materials and test developers, university faculty, researchers, and others.  The next workshop will be offered in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 13–15.  While we encourage participation by teams of two or more, individual participants are very welcome. For more details, visit the Using Atlas of Science Literacy workshop information area of our Web site.  Atlas of Science Literacy is co-published with the National Science Teachers Association.

For more information about the workshops, please contact:
Senior Program Associate: Ted Willard

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